Study information

Which course should I take?

Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching strives to stimulate engaging and high quality teaching at all levels at Stockholm University. We offer basic pedagogical training for university teachers. Here we have gathered information for you who are thinking about which course to take and how to build the foundations of your academic teachership. If you don´t find the answer to your question, please feel free to contact us. Contact details are found here on the right.

Nation wide recommendations on higher education teacher training

The Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF) decided in 2016 to adopt recommendations on general learning outcomes for the teaching qualifications required for employment as academic teacher. All basic, intermediate and in-depth courses offered at Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching link to the learning objectives for higher education pedagogical training set by The Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF).


Contact us with any questions regarding our courses.


Clara Fagerlind, Phone: 08-16 3165

Karin Christoffersson, Phone: 08-16 4093