Arkadien tur och retur II
Online symposium: "CRISIS, DYING, APOCALYPSE"
Internationell konferens: Revolutions in Reading
- Symposium om fotografi i barnlitteratur
- Internationellt symposium om DNA och historia
Arkadien tur och retur
Digital tools & methods
Normal Now! A Symposium on Art and Dis/ability in a Digital World
Female Responses in Early Modern Literature
Ny bok om litteratur och filosofi idag
Rethinking Digital Cultural Heritage
Cultural Transfer, Mobility and Process during the Long Eighteenth Century
500 litteraturforskare samlades i Stockholm
Materiality? Material Culture? New Materialism? Cross-Disciplinary Approaches
Äldretextseminariet firar 20-årsjubileum med heldagssymposium
“The Great Environmental Switch”: Ecology, Technology, and Thinking
Situated Narratologies
Konsumtion, modernitet, medier
Borders, territories and transitions in children's literature
From Local to Global: Interrogating Performance Histories
Aesthetic Radicalism. Avant-garde and Modernism in Children's Literature
Nordisk konferens om arbetarlitteratur
Symposium om strandade encyklopedier
Lever vi i postdemokratiska tider?
Aesthetics in Late Eighteenth-Century Theatre
Transnational Performativities: Performing Identities in a Global Context
Placing Medea: Transfer, Spatiality, and Gender in Europe 1750−1800
Video: Performativity and Artistic Practices
Kulturarv och gränser
- Acting Images: Understanding the Agency and Materiality of Imagery and Visual Culture
- 9-12/8: Arts of Incompletion: Fragments, Drafts, Revisions in Words and Music
Opera and Performance: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead
- Panelkonferens med John Durham Peters: Philosophies and Histories of Media
- Performing Citizenship around 1800 in Theatre and Opera
SHOW TIME: Bodies, Spectacle and Unpopular Culture
About Time!
6/4: Sanning & stil 2017: Tema: Dokument och nationalitet
- Workshop i Human-Animal Studies: "Contact zones"
Samtal om möjligheterna att skapa nya begrepp för kulturarv i rörelse
Symposium: The Poetry of W.G. Sebald
2016 års IFTR-konferens - 13-17 juni
- Conference 15-17/6: Performative Commemoration of Painful Pasts
"Feminist and Queer Aesthetics: Intersections of Theory and Practice"
Forskningsdag om medialitet
- Nordisk konferens: Romantiska scener
- Konferens: Vidgade vyer över musiken
- HAS@SU Djur: berörande möten och kulturella smärtpunkter
- Tvärseminariet: Seminarium om intermedialitet med Peter Dayan
Litteraturforskningens dag
HAS@SU workshop
Movement and Arrest in Early Modern Culture
Tove Jansson Centennial Conference
Methodology in Question
TFL-dagarna 2014
Nordisk konferens: Romantiska kommunikationer
1700-talets nordiska barnbok - språk, stil och smak
Tionde SMDI-konferensen
International symposium on Literature as Knowledge/Literature as Experience
Children’s Literature and European Avant-Garde
International Conference - Fiction in Global Contexts: History and Recent Developments
Sixteenth Nordic Musicological Congress
Allusions And Reflections: Greek and Roman Mythology in Renaissance Europe
IFTR/FIRT Working Group The Theatrical Event
Okonstlad konst? – Estetiska perspektiv på äkthet och autenticitet