Högskoledidaktiska publikationer i de humanistiska,  samhällsvetenskapliga och estetiska ämnenas didaktik


Estetiska undervisnings- och lärandeprocesser i högre utbildning

Bergstedt, Bosse, Herbert, Anna, Kraus, Anja & Wulf, Christoph (2012). Introduction. In: Bosse Bergstedt, Anna Herbert, Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf (eds). Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In the book series: European Studies on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Waxmann.

Bergstedt, Bosse, Herbert, Anna & Kraus, Anja (eds) (2012). Initiating Learning. In the book series: European Studies on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Waxmann.

Bergstedt, Bosse, Herbert, Anna, Kraus, Anja & Wulf, Christoph (eds.) (2012). Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In the book series: European Studies on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Waxmann.

Kraus, Anja (2019). Gender, Pedagogy and the Postmodernist Paradigm Shift: An Exploration of Bodies from a Tacit Dimension. In: Carol A Taylor, Chantal Amade-Escot & Andrea Abbas (eds). Gender in Learning and Teaching Feminist Dialogues Across International Boundaries. Routledge

Kraus, Anja (2017). Gender as a Form of Tacit Knowing in the Fields of Pedagogy. Culture, Biography & Lifelong Learning, 3(1): 12-19

Kraus, Anja (2017). Corporeal Linkages between Ethics and Aesthetics as a Task of General Education (Didactics). Culture, Biography & Lifelong Learning CBLL, 3(3), 1-11 URL

Kraus, Anja (2017). Sensitive Threshold – Awakening Aspects of the Corporeal-Auditive Reflexivity of Teenagers in the Classroom. In: Lara Rodríguez Sieweke (ed). Learning Scenarios for Social and Cultural Change. Bildung through Academic Teaching. In the book series: Erziehungskonzeptionen und Praxis, ed. by Bodo von Carlsburg. Peter Lang

Kraus, Anja & Rodríguez Sieweke, Lara (2017). Introduction: Learning Scenarios for Social and Cultural Change: Bildung through Academic Teaching. In: Lara Rodríguez Sieweke (ed). Learning Scenarios for Social and Cultural Change. Bildung through Academic Teaching. In the book series: Erziehungskonzeptionen und Praxis, ed. by Bodo von Carlsburg. Peter Lang

Kraus, Anja (2016). What Do the Things Show us? Learning as Displacement. Culture, Biography & Lifelong Learning CBLL, 2(2), 17-30. URL.

Kraus, Anja (2016). Perspectives on Performativity. Pedagogical Knowledge in Teacher Education. European Studies on Educational Practices. Waxmann.

Kraus, Anja, Buhl, Mie & von Carlsburg, Gerd-Bodo (2014). Introduction. In: Mie Buhl, Anja Kraus & Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg (eds). Performativity, Materiality and Time – Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In the book series: European Studies on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Waxmann.

Kraus, Anja (2014). Materiality and Displacement. About the Pedagogically Framed Constitution of Subjectivity. In: Mie Buhl, Anja Kraus & Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg (eds). Performativity, Materiality and Time – Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In the book series: European Studies on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Waxmann.

Kraus, Anja, Buhl, Mie & von Carlsburg, Gerd-Bodo (eds) (2014). Performativity, Materiality and Time – Modelling the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In the book series: European Studies on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Waxmann.

Kraus, Anja & Herbert, Anna (2013). Introduction. In: Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus (eds). Praxeology as a Challenge. Modelling the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In the book series: European Studies on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Waxmann.

Kraus, Anja (2013). On the Relationship between Praxeology and Phenomenology: Two Approaches to the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In: Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus (eds). Praxeology as a Challenge: Modelling the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In the book series: European Studies on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Waxmann 

Kraus, Anja & Herbert, Anna (eds) (2013). Praxeology as a Challenge. Modelling the Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In the book series: European Studies on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Waxmann.

Kraus, Anja (2012). Learning as Transformation. In: Bosse Bergstedt, Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus (eds). Initiating Learning. In the book series: European Studies on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Waxmann.

Kraus, Anja & Herbert, Anna (2012). Introduction. In: Bosse Bergstedt, Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus (eds). Initiating Learning. In the book series: European Studies on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Waxmann

Kraus, Anja (2012) The Cameraethnographic Approach as Pedagogical Practice. In: Bosse Bergstedt, Anna Herbert, Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf (eds). Tacit Dimensions of Pedagogy. In the book series: European Studies on Educational Practices, ed. by Anna Herbert & Anja Kraus. Waxmann.

Kraus, Anja (2008). (Doing) Art as an Interdisciplinary Didactical Principle. International Journal for Education through Art, 4(3), 275-284. URL. doi: 10.1386/eta.4.3.275_1

Kraus, Anja (2008). Signifying “It” by Demonstration: Feeling Processes of Signification on One´s Own Body. In: Rudolphine Lackner (ed). Names are shaping up nicely! Nomenclature and Women‘s Titles. Eigenverlag der Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs (VBKÖ). 

Kraus, Anja (2007). The Performative Play as a Didactic Track to the Corporality of Children. In: Wulf, Christoph (ed). Mimesis, Poiesis, Performativity in Education. Waxmann

Leh Lehtonen, A, Viirret, T J & Österlind, Eva (submitted 9 april 19). Drama in education for sustainability – becoming connected through embodiment. International Journal of Education and the Arts. [accepted for publication]

Wall, Tony, Österlind, Eva & Fries, Julia (2019). Arts-Based Approaches for
Sustainability. In: Walter Leal Filho (ed). Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education. URL. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-63951-2_523-1

Wall, Tony, Österlind, Eva & Fries, Julia (2019). Art-Based Teaching on Sustainable Development. In: Walter Leal Filho (ed). Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education. URL. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-63951-2_195-1

Österlind, Eva (2018). Drama in higher education for sustainability: work-based learning through fiction? Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 8(3), 337–352. URL. doi:10.1108/HESWBL-03-2018-003



Karlsson, Per-Arne (2014). Undervisning och lärande i historia: ett kreativt rum för narrativ kompetens. Stockholm studies in history 99, Stockholm: Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. 

Karlsson, Per-Arne (2009). Hur skapa en historiedidaktik som är både praktisk och teoretisk? I: Ämnesdidaktiska brobyggen – didaktiska perspektiv inom lärande och forskning. Bengt Schüllerqvist, Margaretha Ullström & Sten-Olof Ullström (red). Karlstad University Press.

Karlsson, Per-Arne (2007). Hur förbättra samspelet mellan produktion och konsumtion av ämnesdidaktisk forskning? Hur kan utbytet mellan akademi och skola bli effektivt? I: Didaktikens forum 4(3)

Karlsson, Per-Arne (2000). Hur utveckla en verksamhetsnära historiedidaktisk forskning? I: Hans-Albin Larsson (red). Den reflekterande medborgaren. Jönköping University press.

Lärande, undervisning, examination och bedömning  i högre utbildning

Berthén, Diana, Eriksson, Inger & Lindberg, Viveca (2011). Slutrapport från ESF-projektet Sjökaptener i hamn. Högskolan på Åland & Living V&I AB. 

Berthén, Diana, Eriksson, Inger & Lindberg, Viveca (2006). Yrkeshögskolelärare i lära: Att guida högskolestuderande till studierelevanta läs- och skrivstrategier. Högskolan på Åland

Eriksson, Inger & Lindberg, Viveca (2016). Enriching ‘learning activity’ with ‘epistemic practices’ – enhancing students’ epistemic agency and authority. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 2(1), 1-9. URL. doi:10.3402/nstep.v2.32432. 

Jons, Lotta (2016). Pedagogisk takt. Subtila dimensioner i seminarieledarens lärarskap. I: Marie Cronqvist & Alexander Maurits (red). Det goda seminariet. Forskarseminariet som lärandemiljö och kollegialt rum. Makadam förlag

Jons, Lotta (red) (2015). Seminariet i högre utbildning. Erfarenheter och reflektioner. Studentlitteratur

Jons, Lotta (2015). Seminariet – ”en föga enhetlig undervisningsstrategi” med stor pedagogisk potential. I:  Seminariet i högre utbildning. Erfarenheter och reflektioner. Studentlitteratur

Jons, Lotta (2015). Om pedagogisk atmosfär. I: Seminariet i högre utbildning. Erfarenheter och reflektioner. Studentlitteratur

Jons, Lotta (2015). Råd för lyckade seminarier. I: Seminariet i högre utbildning. Erfarenheter och reflektioner. Studentlitteratur

Jons, Lotta (2014). Learning as Calling and Responding. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 33(5), 481-493. URL. doi:10.1007/s11217-013-9398-8 

Jons, Lotta (2014). 1. Pedagogisk grundsyn. Hämtad 20191203 från Youtube (URL) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNRPwvQXt1Q

Jons, Lotta (2014). 2. Perspektiv på lärande. Hämtad 20191203 från Youtube (URL) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKxM7E6KJ0E

Jons, Lotta (2914). 3. Att optimera lärande. Hämtad 20191203 från Youtube (URL)

Jons, Lotta (2014). 4. Lärarrollen. Hämtad 20191203 från Youtube (URL)

Jons, Lotta (2008). Till-tal och an-svar. En konstruktion av pedagogisk hållning. Doktorsavhandling vid Pedagogiska Institutionen, nr 147. Stockholms Universitet.

Kraus, Anja (2007). “Performative play“ as a didactic track to the corporality of children. In: Christoph Wulf (ed). Mimesis, Poiesis, Performativity in Education. Waxmann. 

Linberg, Viveca (2005) Svensk forskning om bedömning och betyg 1990-2005. Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy, 26834, URL. doi:10.1080/16522729.2005.11803896

Lundholm, Cecilia & Öhrstedt, Maria (2019). Lärandets utmaningar. Pedagogeeks med Klara Bolander Laksov. Hämtad 20191219 från Youtube (URL)

Lundholm, Cecilia (2018). Conceptual change and the complexity of learning. In: Tamin G Amin & Olivia Levrini (eds.). Converging Perspectives on Conceptual Change. Mapping an Emerging Paradigm in the Learning Sciences. Routledge.  

Wibaeus, Ylva (2019). Prolog. Nu räcker det! I: Ann S Pihlgren (red). Casemetodik för lärare – att överbrygga klyftan mellan teori och praktik. Studentlitteratur 

Wibaeus, Ylva (2019). Casemetodiken växer fram. I: Ann S Pihlgren (red). Casemetodik för lärare – att överbrygga klyftan mellan teori och praktik. Studentlitteratur 

Wibaeus, Ylva (2019). Teoretiska perspektiv på case. I: Ann S Pihlgren (red). Casemetodik för lärare – att överbrygga klyftan mellan teori och praktik. Studentlitteratur 

Wibaeus, Ylva (2019). Casemetodik – en definition. I: Ann S Pihlgren (red). Casemetodik för lärare – att överbrygga klyftan mellan teori och praktik. Studentlitteratur 

Wibaeus, Ylva (2019). Caseprocessen i praktiken. I: Ann S Pihlgren (red). Casemetodik för lärare – att överbrygga klyftan mellan teori och praktik. Studentlitteratur 

Wibaeus, Ylva (2019). Ibrahim passar tydligen inte in här! I: Ann S Pihlgren (red). Casemetodik för lärare – att överbrygga klyftan mellan teori och praktik. Studentlitteratur 

Wibaeus, Ylva (2019). Nu räcker det! I: Ann S Pihlgren (red). Casemetodik för lärare – att överbrygga klyftan mellan teori och praktik. Studentlitteratur 


Andersson, Pernilla (2019). Transaktionella analyser av undervisning och lärande: SMED-studier 2006–2018. Rapporter i pedagogik 22, Örebro University. URL. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23300.88967

Eriksson, Inger & Mlang'a Osaki, Kalafunja (eds) (2018). School development through teacher research: Lesson and Learning Studies in Sweden and Tanzania. Mkuki Na Nyoka Publishers 

Eriksson, Inger (2012). Introduktionsåret – ett kollegialt utvecklingsarbete. I: Ylva Ståhle & Agneta Bronäs (red). Mentorskap i skola och förskola. Studentlitteratur

Jons, Lotta (2018): The supportive character of teacher education triadic conferences: detailing the formative feedback conveyed. European Journal of Teacher Education, 42(1), 116-130. URL. doi:10.1080/02619768.2018.1550065

Jons, Lotta (2017). Trepartssamtal i lärarutbildning. En studie av nio samtal i en gymnasieövningsskola. Rapporter i matematikämnets och naturvetenskapsämnenas didaktik, nr 9. Stockholms universitet: Institutionen för matematikämnets och naturvetenskapsämnenas didaktik.

Kraus, Anja (2015). Scholarly Principles in Teacher Education. What Kind of Science Serves a Practice-Oriented Teacher Education? European Studies on Educational Practices. Waxmann

Lindberg, Viveca, Eriksson, Inger & Pettersson, Astrid (red) (2019). Formativ bedömning: Utmaningar för undervisningen. Natur & Kultur

Lindberg, Viveca & Eriksson, Inger (2019). Sextio år av formativ bedömning. I: Viveca Lindberg, Inger Eriksson & Astrid Pettersson (red). Formativ bedömning: Utmaningar för undervisningen. Natur & Kultur

Lofthouse, R., Greenway, C., Davies, P., Davies, D. & Lundholm, Cecilia (in review).  Pre-service teachers’ conceptions of their own learning: does context make a difference? Research Papers in Education. Online

Lundholm, Cecilia & Davies, Peter (2013). Conceptual Change in the Social Sciences. In: Stella Vosniadou (ed). International Handbook of Research on Conceptual Change. (2nd ed). Routledge

Miljö- och klimatdidaktik

Andersson, Pernilla (2019). Embodied experiences of ‘decision-making’ in face of uncertain and complex sustainability issues. In: Katrien Van Poeck, Leif Östman & Johan Öhman (eds). Sustainable Development Teaching. Ethical and Political Challenges. Routledge

Lundholm, C. (in press). Where to look and what to do? Blank and bright spots in research on environmental and climate change education. Editorial. Environmental Education Research. URL. doi: 10.1080/13504622.2019.1700066

Lundholm, Cecilia (2011). Society’s response to environmental challenges: citizenship and the role of knowledge, Factis Pax, 5(1), 80- 96. URL.

Policy och kvalitet i högre utbildning

Jons, Lotta (2019). Bokrecension: Det omätbaras renässans – en uppgörelse med pedanternas världsherravälde, Högre utbildning, 9(1), 1-5. URL. doi: 10.23865/hu.v9.1553

Kraus, Anja (2019.) Transcultural Learning: Emphasizing and De-emphasizing Difference as a Pedagogical Task. In: Bodo von Carlsburg (ed). Comparative Educational Sciences – Transcultural Studies – Intercultural Education. Peter Lang

Kraus, Anja (2019). A Pedagogy of Cultural Awareness - A Phenomenological Approach to Knowledge and Learning. In: Bodo von Carlsburg (ed). Comparative Educational Sciences – Transcultural Studies – Intercultural Education. Peter Lang

Kraus, Anja (ed) (2017). Education is Relation not Output? Scenes of Knowledge and Knowledge Acquisition at Universities in Change. In the book series: European Studies in Education, ed. by Christoph Wulf. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann.

Kraus, Anja (2017). Qualities of Academic Education – A Comparison of Discussions and Positioning in Sweden and Germany. In: Anja Kraus (ed). Scenarios of Knowledge at Universities in Change. Perspectives of the Humanities, the Educational and the Cultural Sciences. In the series: European Studies in Education, ed. By Christoph Wulf. Waxmann

Kraus, Anja (2017). University as Knowledge Scenarios. Bildung and Sustainability. In: Anja Kraus (ed). Scenarios of Knowledge at Universities in Change. Perspectives of the Humanities, the Educational and the Cultural Sciences. In the series: European Studies in Education, ed. By Christoph Wulf. Waxmann

Kraus, Anja (2017). Introduction: Perspectives of the Humanities, the Educational and the Cultural Sciences on University. In: Anja Kraus (ed). Scenarios of Knowledge at Universities in Change. Perspectives of the Humanities, the Educational and the Cultural Sciences. In the series: European Studies in Education, ed by Christoph Wulf. Waxmann

Kraus, Anja (ed) (2017). Scenarios of Knowledge at Universities in Change. Perspectives of the Humanities, the Educational and the Cultural Sciences. In the series: European Studies in Education, ed by Christoph Wulf. Waxmann.

Kraus, Anja (2016). Scientific Pedagogy as Research on Practices - Sketching Quality Development, Competences and Assessment in Pedagogical Regards. In: Bodo von Carlsburg (ed). Strategies for Teacher Training: Concepts for Improving Skills and Quality of Teaching. Peter Lang


Berglund, Jenny (2019). Sociological Perspectives on Religion and Education. Brill Research Perspectives on Religion and Education, 1(1), 46-61. URL. doi:10.1163/25895303-12340001

Berglund, Jenny (2013). An Ethnographic Eye on religion in Everyday Life. British Journal of Religious Education, 36(1), 39-52. URL. doi:10.1080/01416200.2013.820167

Gustavsson, Caroline (2018). Existential configurations: a way to conceptualise people’s meaning-making. British Journal of Religious Education, Online. URL. doi: 10.1080/01416200.2018.1556598

Gustavsson, Caroline (2018). Life issues among young adults: An empirical and methodological example. In: Jari Ristiniemi, Geir Skeie & Karin Sporre (eds). Challenging Life. Existential Questions as a Resource for Education. Waxmann.

Gustavsson, Caroline (2018). Språkliga redskap för en gränsöverskridande interkulturell religionsundervisning. I: Olof Franck & Peder Thalén (red). Interkulturell religionsdidaktik. Utmaningar och möjligheter. Studentlitteratur

Gustavsson, Caroline (2013). Existentiella konfigurationer. Om hur förståelsen av livet tar gestalt i ett socialt sammanhang. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet, US-AB. Diss.

Niemi, Kristian (2018). Religionsvetenskapliga tröskelbegrepp: stötestenar och språngbrädor vid utvecklingen av ett ämnesperspektiv. Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, (2), 1–22. URL.

Samhällsvetenskapliga ämnenas didaktik: ekonomi, juridik, statsvetenskap, psykologi

Andersson, Pernilla (2016). The Responsible Business Person – Studies of business education for sustainability. Södertörn Doctoral Dissertations 116.

Andersson, Pernilla, Öhman, Johan and Östman, Leif (2011). A business to change the world – moral responsibility in textbooks for International Economics. Utbildning & Demokrati, 20 (1), 79-96. 

Andersson, Pernilla and Öhman, Johan (2016). Logics of business education for sustainability. Environmental Education Research, 22(4), 463-479. URL. doi:10.1080/13504622.2015.1015493

Andersson, Pernilla (2018). Business as un-usual – change for sustainability and scope for subjectivity in classroom practice. Journal of Environmental Education Research, 24(5), 648-662. URL. doi:org/10.1080/13504622.2017.1320704

Andersson, Pernilla (2018). Talking about sustainability issues when teaching business economics – the positioning of a responsible business person in classroom practice. Journal of Social Sciences Education, 17(3), 46-62. URL.

Ekström, Linda & Lundholm, Cecilia (in review). ‘How much politics is there?’ Exploring students’ views on values and impartiality in political science from an epistemic cognition perspective. Journal of Political Science Education.

Ekström, Linda & Lundholm, Cecilia (2018). 'What's positive about positive rights?' Students’ everyday understandings and the challenges of teaching political science. Journal of Political Science Education, 14(1), 1-16. URL. doi: 10.1080/15512169.2017.1370378

Harring, Niklas, Torbjörnsson, Tomas, & Lundholm, Cecilia (2018). Solving environmental problems together? The roles of value orientations and trust in the state in environmental policy support among Swedish undergraduate students. Education Sciences. URL. doi:10.3390/educsci8030124

Harring, Niklas, Davies, P., & Lundholm, Cecilia (2017). Learning economics and attitudes to market solutions to environmental problems. Education Sciences, 7, 36. Special issue on Sustainability, Environment and Education. URL. doi: 10.3390/educsci7010036

Harring, Niklas, Lundholm, Cecilia & Torbjörnsson, Tomas (2017). The effect of higher education in social science on perceptions of responsibility in the case of sustainability. In:  Walter Leal Filho, Luciana Londero Brandli, Paula Cristina Castro & Julie Newman (eds) Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education. Volume 1. Springer 

Harring, Niklas, Lundholm, Cecilia, & Torbjörnsson, Tomas (2017). Högre utbildning och miljöattityder. I: Ulrika Andersson, Jonas Ohlsson, Henrik Oscarsson & Maria Oskarson (red). Larmar och gör sig till. Göteborgs universitet: SOM-institutet. 

Jägerskog, Ann-Sofie, Davies, Peter & Lundholm, Cecilia (2019). Students’ understanding of causation in pricing: a phenomenographic analysis.  Journal of Social Science Education, 18(3), 89-107. URL. doi: 10.4119/jsse-1421

Jägerskog, Ann‐Sofie. Jönsson, Fredrik U, Selander Staffan & Jonsson, Bert (2019). Multimedia learning trumps retrieval practice in psychology teaching. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 60(3), 222-230. URL. doi:org/10.1111/sjop.12527

Lundholm, Cecilia (2019). Investigating the impact of knowledge on climate action. Filmed lecture at Brock University, 5 april, 2019. Youtube (URL) 

Lundholm, Cecilia (2019). Medverkan i Temasamtal 1: Demokrati, populism, klimat och utbildning. I: Stockholms universitets Hållbarhetsforum 2019. URL.

Lundholm, Cecilia (2018). Klimatet som utmaning. Studenters lösningar på klimatproblem i ämnena ekonomi, statsvetenskap och juridik. I: Resultatdialog 2018. Vetenskapsrådet.
Lundholm, Cecilia (2008). Discourse, cause and change: A study on economics students’ conceptions of child labour. In: Johan Öman (ed). Values and Democracy in Education for Sustainable Development. Contributions from Swedish Research. Liber. 

Lundholm, Cecilia (2007). Pricing nature at what price? A study on undergraduate students’ conceptions of economics. South African Journal of Environmental Education. Special issue Learning in a Changing World, 24, 126-140. URL.

Lundholm, Cecilia (2005). Learning about environmental issues. Undergraduate and postgraduate students’ interpretations of environmental content. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 6(3), 242-253. URL. doi:10.1108/14676370510607214

Lundholm, Cecilia (2004). Case studies – exploring students’ meaning and elaborating learning theories. Environmental Education Research, 10(1), 115-124. URL. doi: 10.1080/1350462032000173733

Lundholm, Cecilia, Hopwood, Nick & Rickinson, Mark (2013). Environmental learning: Insights from research into the student experience. In: Robert B. Stevenson, Michael Brody, Justin Dillon & Arjen E.J. Wals (eds). International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education. Routledge

Rickinson, Mark, Lundholm, Cecilia & Hopwood, Nick (2009). Environmental Learning. Insights from research into the student experience. Springer. 

Torbjörnsson, Tomas & Lundholm, Cecilia (2019). Potential conflicts between ownership rights and environmental protection: Swedish undergraduate students’ views, Environmental Education Research. URL. doi: 10.1080/13504622.2019.1677860. 

Torbjörnsson, Tomas, Harring, Niklas & Lundholm, Cecilia (2018). Environmental sustainability and legal education: Swedish law students' value orientations. Retfærd - Nordic Journal of Law and Justice, 41(3-4), 99-115. URL