- Regionalism in Latin America 2020-10-27 Agents, Systems and Resilience - New publication Edited By José Briceño-Ruiz and Andres Rivarola Puntigliano
- Corporate Contributions to Electoral Campaigns: The Current State of Affairs 2018-05-29 Book chapter by Nubia Evertsson (2018), Handbook of Political Party Funding / [ed] Jonathan Mendilow and Eric Phélippeau, Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar Publishing, (pages 33-54)
- Cabildeo ciudadano y democracia en México: 10 años de sociedad civil e incidencia efectiva 2017-11-07 Autoras: Mara I. Hernández y Luz Paula Parra - Este libro se realizó en coordinación con la Doctora Mara Hernández del Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) de México, y es publicado por el Instituto Belisario Dominguez del Senado de la República de México.
- Brazil and Latin America: Between the Separation and Integration Paths 2017-08-09 Andrés Rivarola Puntigliano and José Briceño-Ruiz (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2017)
- Brasiliens politiska och ekonomiska utmaningar 2017-05-15 I två artiklar i Utrikespolitiska institutets Utrikesmagasinet beskriver Torsten Wetterblad de politiska resp. ekonomiska utmaningar som Brasilien står inför
- Disasters and crises in Latin America: an anthropological perspective 2017-04-19 The newly re-launched Open Access Iberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies has published its latest special collection: “Disasters and crises in Latin America: an anthropological perspective”. This special collection presents anthropological contributions to the understanding of disasters and crises in Latin America.
- Economía Política Internacional y Territorio 2017-03-17 Chapter in book, Gobernanza de las Integraciones Regionales, Ma. Antonia Correa Serrano y Leonardo Federico Manchón Cohan (coords.) (Mexico DF: Itaca / UAM-X, 2017).
- Iberoamericana’s latest issue: volume 45, Issue 1. 2017-02-24 The newly re-launched Open Access Iberoamericana –Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies,has published its latest regular issue: volume 45, Issue 1. We invite you to review the Table of Contents.
- Thinking globally from the periphery: Raúl Prebisch and the World System 2017-02-24 Chapter in book by Andrés Rivarola Puntigliano (2017), in Matias E. Margulis (ed) The Global Political Economy of Raúl Prebisch, New York: Routledge.
- A Nested Analysis of Electoral Donations 2017-02-24 Article by Nubia Evertsson (2017), Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 11(1): 77-98.
- Secularities, Diversities and Pluralities 2017-02-24 Article by Edgar Zavala-Pelayo and Manuel Góngora-Mera (2016), Social Inclusion, 4(2): 65-76.
- Applying the security-development nexus on the ground: land restitution in Colombia 2017-02-24 Article by Manuela Nilsson and Laura K. Taylor (2017), Conflict, Security & Development, 17(1): 73-89.
- Reconstructing the social fabric amid ongoing violence 2017-02-24 Article by Laura K. Taylor, Manuela Nilsson & Brenda Amezquita-Castro (2016), Peacebuilding, 4(1): 83-98.
- Ethnic rights and the dilemma of extractive development in plurinational Bolivia 2017-02-24 Article by Rickard Lalander (2016), The International Journal of Human Rights, Online first.
- The Ecuadorian Resource Dilemma. Sumak Kawsay or Development? 2017-02-24 Article by Rickard Lalander (2016), Critical Sociology, 42(4-5): 623-642.
- Ethno-territorial rights and the resource extraction boom in Latin America: do constitutions matter? 2017-02-24 Article by Markus Kröger & Rickard Lalander (2016), Third World Quarterly, 37(4): 682-702.
- Negotiating in the absence of trust 2017-02-24 Article by María Mancilla García (2016), Local Environment, Online first.
- Explicit Arguments, Hidden Biases 2017-02-24 Article by María Mancilla García (2016), Society & Natural Resources, 29(9): 1110-1123.
- Safeguarding what and for whom? The role of institutional fit in shaping REDD+ in Mexico 2017-02-24 Article by Constance L. McDermott & Claudia Ituarte-Lima, Ecology and Society, 21(1): 9.
- Private Conflict Regulation and the Influence of Peasant Communities over Natural Resources 2017-02-24 Article by Maria-Therese Gustafsson (2016), Latin American research review, 51(2): 86-106.
- Between opportunities and threats 2017-02-24 Article by Paola Sartoretto (2016), Observatorio (OBS*) Special Issue: Journal, Media, Internet and Social Movements in the context of asymmetries: 35-53.
- The Circumstantial Media Activist 2017-02-24 Article by Paola Sartoretto (2016), Javnost: The Public, 23(3): 273-289.
- La revolución que nunca fue. Un mensaje de interpretación de las jornadas cívicas de 2015 2017-02-24 Book by Virglio Álvarez Aragón (2016), Serviprensa.
- Emerging Markets. The Pacific alliance. Perspectives and Opportunities for Latin America 2017-02-24 Book edited by Mario Torres Jarrín & Jonathan Violante (2016), Salamanca, Spain: The European Institute of International Studies.
- 21st century geopolitics: integration and development in the age of ‘continental states 2016-09-21 New article by Andrés Rivarola in Journal "Territory, Politics, Governance" - Vol 3, No 3., 2016
- Environment in the Age of Internet. Activists, Communication and the Digital Landscape 2016-08-25 How do we talk about the environment? Does this communication reveal and construct meaning? Is the environment expressed and foregrounded in the new landscape of digital media?
- Ny bok presenterar aktuell svensk latinamerikaforskning 2016-08-12 CLACSO - "Pensamiento social sueco sobre América Latina" Maria Therese Gustafsson. Fredrik Uggla. [Editores]
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