Introduction (Extract)
This book is the result of the collaboration, in the framework of the European Institute of International Studies, between two Research Groups of outstanding experts and personalities, to whom I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks for their excellent work. The first Research Group on Inter-regional dialogue and Global Governance has been responsible for the study and analysis of the impact of the regional integration processes in international relations and its consequences on global governance. The second Research Group on finance and the Private Sector has been focused on the different dynamics that are related to economic growth, delving into areas such as entrepreneurship and innovation, corporate governance, access to financial services and the business environment in general, together with the inter-linkages that tie such financial developments to financial regulation and geopolitical developments. At the same time, both Groups present research projects with a well-in formed insight, as well as recommendations and initiatives towards action with the final aim of promoting sustainable development, education and reduction of poverty.

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