Doctoral level

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  5. Doctoral level

Doctoral Level

PhD positions at the Faculty of Humanities are highly attractive. The Faculty of Humanities currently has about 300 PhD students. Some students receive doctoral grants, others are appointed to doctoral studentships.

Research School

The Board of the Faculty of Humanities has decided that the PhD studies should be provided primarily within the framework of research schools with a focus on broad fields of research.

Welcome Day for PhD Students

The Humanities, Social Sciences and Law Faculties are organizing a welcome day for PhD students where various aspects of the PhD program will be discussed. This day is particularly for newly admitted PhD students, but all PhD students are welcome. The Welcome Day is compulsory for PhD students at the Humanities and Social Science faculties.

Guidelines for PhD Studies

The purpose of PhD studies is to train doctoral students in the disciplinary and academic tradition, but above all to develop independent and critically minded researchers. This page contains documents and guidelines for PhD studies at Stockholm University and the Faculty of Humanities.


Faculty Programme Directors
Ulrika Nilsson
Phone: +46 (0)8 16 25 24

Johanna Andersson Raeder
Phone: +46 (0)8 16 22 65

Sandra Persson
Phone: +46 (0)8-16 44 89

Yliali Asp
Phone: +46 (0) 8-16 25 14

Sandra Ericson
Phone:  +46 (0) 8-120 762 91

Monika Karlsson
Phone: +46 (0) 8-16 22 56

Course establishment and syllabus approval