Who is the workshop for?

This workshop is for university teachers at Stocholm University interested in using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create images for work.

About the workshop

AI has revolutionized the way we create images, and in this workshop, you will discover how AI tools can help you generate unique images for your educational needs. The workshop will introduce you to the latest AI technologies and techniques for generating images, and provide you with practical skills to create your own images.


  • Introduction to AI-generated images
  • AI tools and techniques for generating images and the Ethics of AI-generated images
  • Hands-on demonstration and practical exercises
  • Where to learn more about AI-generated images and their potential uses.

By the end of the workshop, you will have gained valuable skills in using AI tools to generate images. You will have a well-informed perspective on the potential of AI-generated images, and be able to use these tools to enhance your creative practices.

This text was in large part generated using ChatGPT.


 1 December 2023 at 9—12
Venue/ Find your way

E-meeting in Zoom

To participate in the workshop you will need a computer with the Zoom e-meeting service installed (see guide on how to install and log into Zoom) and a headset with microphone.

Workshop leader

Andreas Jemstedt, PhD. Department of Psychology and Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching

Litterature To be announced
Eight dimensions of Academic Teachership


An opportunity to explore and develop academic teaching skills that falls under category 4. Examiner and also category 5. Course designer

The workshop offers tools and ideas for a professional approach to assessment, evaluation, and to creating and developing courses


Learn more about The 8 dimensions Academic teachership


CeUL offers workshops for all teachers at Stockholm University on a variety of teaching and learning topics. They are designed to meet the needs of both seasoned professionals and newcomers. Each session offers the opportunity to discuss shared experiences and knowledge with colleagues.


Pil som pekar på anmälningslänken


Book your place in good time, as places are limited. Participation is free of charge.

Register for Workshop: Generating images with AI tools



Workshops on AI in higher education autumn 2023

This workshop is part of a serie. You can attend the workshops individually, or as many as you like.


Workshops for building on your teaching credentials (equal to 1.5 ETCS)

Attend three CeUL workshops you of your choice and write a text on the topic of one of them. You can credit the assignement as equivalent to 1,5 ETCS contributing to your professional development in higher education teaching and learning. Read more about the Workshop assignement (1.5 ETCS) here