Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching (CeUL), together with Stockholm University Student Union (SUS), is running a competition for ideas about how studying and teaching at the university can be improved. Any and all students at Stockholm University can join in.
What do you win?
Honour and fame but also ...
You will become brilliant in project management!
— you will get a chance to run an educational development project based on your idea.
If your proposal is selected, you get:
- Valuable experience of project management to put in your CV
- Support and guidance in project management
- Payment by agreement for the hours you put in
The aim of the competition is to contribute towards the development of a university culture that is focused on the improvement of teaching and studying, and in which students have a leading role.
Student partnership projects worldwide
Both in Sweden and internationally, an increasing number of so-called "Student Partnership" projects have started. This usually involves students familiarizing themselves with ‘best practice’ in a specific area, and developing ideas for how studying and teaching can be developed in their courses. Examples are; various ways of giving feedback and arranging exams, the development of web-based teaching resources, and improved support for studying and future careers.
The competition brief and assessment criteria
Your proposal needs to be carried out partly in cooperation with a department, and will be judged using the following criteria:
- Feasibility: It is reasonable to carry out the project within one term, at most, two terms.
- Cooperation: The project is based on cooperation between one or more students and one or more teachers at the department giving the course.
- Impact: The project will improve studying and teaching for a clearly identified group of students.
The four best ideas will be selected by a panel of educational developers from CeUL and representatives from SUS. The innovators will be invited to a meeting with representatives from the department.
Project support
Cormac McGrath, educational developer from CeUL will be appointed as consultant and mentor to each "student partnership" project to provide support for the students in the development, implementation and evaluation phases.
The projects will be presented at a Higher Education Theme Day arranged by CeUL and SUS.

How do I enter?
All entries must be submitted through our online entry system. We look forward to reviewing your project-entry for the Idea Competition on how to improve your education. The last day for submitting a proposal is February 15ht 2019.
Thank you for all entries. Now we start the process of reviewing the ideas. Winner/winners will be announced during March.