Höstterminen 2021
Kulturvetenskapliga produktionsstudier - forskarkurs 10 hp
Forskarkurs i samarbete mellan SU och Kulturhuset/Stadsteatern. Med start i oktober 2021 ges en ny fakultetsövergripande doktorandkurs med fokus på ’kulturproduktion’ i regi av SU (IMS, IKE och FEK) och Kulturhuset/Stadsteatern (KHST). Doktorander vid alla universitetets institutioner är välkomna. Läs mer här
PhD Course on Multiperspectival Security and Insecurity (7,5 ECTS)
22-26 November 2021 at the Department of Political science, Stockholm Graduate School of International Studies (SIS) and Stockholm University Forum for Security Research (FSR).
Registration deadline 1 October
Register by emailing: Ulrika.Morth@statsvet.su.se
Minimum number of participants 5, maximum 15
Frida Beckman – Frida.beckman@littvet.su.se
Love Ekenberg – lovek@dsv.su.se
Stanely Greenstein – stanley.greenstein@juridicum.su.se
Ulrika Mörth (course coordinator) – Ulrika.morth@statsvet.su.se
Mark Rhinard – mark.rhinard@ekohist.su.se
Course Description
The study of security in the past two decades has shifted from a narrow focus on security per se towards interdisciplinary approaches that emphasise the broad nature and meaning of security in today’s world. This course is intended to cultivate the interdisciplinary study of Security and Insecurity by introducing doctoral students to five research themes on central theoretical and empirical work by several disciplines across social sciences, the humanities and law. The choice of themes is motivated by their centrality in different disciplinary debates, their multiple perspectives, and/or varying epistemological underpinnings. The course will be co-taught by two teachers from different disciplines so as to highlight the ways studies on Security and Insecurity contribute to interdisciplinary perspectives and research.
Intended Learning Outcomes
• a proficient orientation of central conceptualizing in studies of security and insecurity;
• a strong understanding of the various scientific contexts from which they have developed;
• the ability to review, analyse and discuss advanced texts within the various disciplinary traditions of security and insecurity, verbally and in writing;
• insights into the possibilities and limitations of the various disciplinary paradigms
• the ability to apply theoretical perspectives on empirical issues on security and insecurity
Course Structure, student work, examination
The reading is centred on five current research themes to the interdisciplinary field of Security studies. Readings selected for each of the research themes will illustrate central theoretical perspectives, multiple/contrasting views and empirical applications in relation to several disciplinary perspectives. In addition, students will be asked to relate each research theme to their own interests by finding an article that uses the concept of Security in a way they can relate to their thesis projects or interests. One half-day teaching session will be held for each research theme cluster. The morning session will consist of an introduction by the teachers on the specific research theme (s), either both of the convening teachers or by someone invited, followed by a seminar discussion of the concepts. In the afternoon, students will present an article they have chosen which is inspired by the reading and discuss the ways it is related to their respective areas of interest.
By the start of the course, students are expected to have read the course literature and chosen one article of choice to be used as the basis for discussion of each research theme. A short outline of the paper on the final course paper (about 2000 words) is to be submitted to Ulrika Mörth on December 3 in order to get feedback on December 6. The final paper is due on December 17, 2021.
The final paper should address at least two of five themes discussed in the course. The paper should problematise these themes from the varied sets of assumptions involved, both in terms of ontological and epistemological assumptions and scientific traditions, and how the themes are relevant for the doctoral research project.
Submission of outlines (about 2000 words) for Course Papers on 3 December to Ulrika.morth@statsvet.su.se
Deadline for the 5000 word paper to be submitted to Athena no later than 17.00 on December 17, 2021
Themes on Security and Insecurity
The literature on the research themes will serve to introduce the study on Security and Insecurity, how they are defined, problematized and studied in various disciplinary debates. It should include their epistemological bases as well as their use in recent empirical studies.
Theme 1: International Security
Monday, November 22. Time 10-12, 13-15. Place: The Department of Economic History and International Relations (Room A 900)
Teachers: Mark Rhinard (10-12) and Ulrika Mörth (13-15)
Threats, risks, and fear play an important part in studies of security in International relations. Security Studies is dominated by debates and controversies over what security means and how it should (and should not) be practiced. This day-long seminar will explore the main fault lines in debates over what security means in International Relations. Starting with the division between objective versus subjective definitions of security, discussion will then shift to the proliferating definitions of security and the implications thereby for the study of the state, organisations, societies, crises, private actors, and civil liberties.
• Part I (chrs 1-3) and II (chrs 5-9) in The Oxford handbook of International Security, eds Alexandra Checiu and William C. Wohlforth 2018, Oxford UP (135 pages, available as an e book at SUB)
• Krause, K., & Williams, M. C. (1996). Broadening the agenda of security studies: Politics and methods. Mershon International Studies Review, 40(9), 229–254 (25 pages)
• Helgesson, Karin and Ulrika Mörth, 2019,” Instruments of securitization and resisting subjects: For-profit professionals in the finance-security nexus”, Security Dialogue 50, 3: 257-274 (17 pages)
Theme 2: Human Security & Societal Security
Tuesday, November 23. Time 10-12, 13-15. Place: Department of Political Science (Room F 702)
Teachers: Ulrika Mörth (10-12) and Mark Rhinard (13-15)
This day-long seminar will focus on perspectives on security that problematize the state as the referent object, that is that security is about security of the state. We will discuss the human security concept- the security of individuals/people, proposed in the UN Development Program’s (UNDP) 1994 Human Development Report. The seminar will explore the main fault lines in debates over what human security means with a special focus on feminist studies and societal security.
• Introduction and Conclusion, Nordic Societal Security, 2020, Routledge, Mark Rhinard and Sebastian Larsson (40 pages, available as an e book at SUB)
• Chr 4 (“Feminist Security and Security Studies”) in The Oxford Handbook of International Security (15 pages, available as an e book at SUB)
• Lobasz, Jennifer, 2009, “Beyond Border Security: Feminist Approaches to Human Trafficking”, Security Studies, 18, 2:319-344 (25 pages)
• Chrs 1, 5, 6 and 9 in Securitization, Accountability and Risk Management eds Karin Helgesson and Ulrika Mörth), Routledge, 2012, 50 pages, available as an e book at SUB)
• Kaldor, Mary, Mary Martin, and Sabine Selchow, 2007, “Human Security: a new strategic narrative for Europe”, International Affairs, 83, 2:273-288 (15 pages)
• Newman, E. (2010). Critical human security studies. Review of International Studies, 36(1), 77–94, 17 pages)
Theme 3. Cultures of Control
Wednesday November 24. Time 10, 13-15. Place: Department of Culture and Aesthetics (Manne Siegbahn House, room 509)
Teachers: Frida Beckman (10-12) and Ulrika Mörth (13-15)
This day-seminar will be on the technologies of security and cultures of control. With a basis in Michel Foucault’s conceptualization of security as a mode of power, the seminar explores how security society integrates power and culture, making power increasingly hard to grasp as such. We look at some examples of how such integration occurs via for example conceptions and actualizations of motherhood and war.
• Foucault, Michel, Security, Territory, Population Lectures at the Collège de France 1977-1978, chapters 1, 2 and 3 (85 pages)
• Castel, Robert “From Dangerousness to Risk” The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality, eds. Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon and Peter Miller, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991, pp. 281-298 (17 pages, handout)
• Kaldor, Mary, Global Security Cultures, 2018, Polity Press (Chr 2, 40 pages, available as an e book at SUB
• Lemke, Thomas, Foucault, Governmentality, and Critique, Boulder and London: Paradigm Publishers, 2012, chapter 3 “Liberalism, Biolotics, and Technologies of Security,” pp. 41-55 (handout)
• Grewel, Inderpal, “’Security Moms’ in the Early Twentieth-Century United States: The Gender of Security in Neoliberalism,” Women’s Studies Quarterly 34:1/2, pp. 25-39 (available via SUB)
• Evans, Brad, “Foucault’s Legacy: Security, War and Violence in the 21st Century,” Security Dialogue 41:4, 2010, pp. 413-433 (available via SUB)
Theme 4. Security and Law in the age AI
Thursday November 25. Time 10-12, 13-15. Place: The Faculty of Law (Faculty Room, House C, eight floors)
Teachers: Stanley Greenstein (10-12) and Ulrika Mörth (13-15)
This day-seminar will focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Technology can be described as a double-edged sword and this holds true for AI. This technology has many benefits for society. However, as AI is increasingly being used to control and streamline many of the critical infrastructures within society, so too is it opening up society to many vulnerabilities and ethical considerations. It is in this context that the subject of cyber security is gaining relevance. Considering the pace at which digitalization is occurring it is becoming difficult for humans to identify all the possible threats hidden in the vast amounts of data comprising the digital environment. Consequently, AI is also part of the solution in that it is being relied on to help identify these new threats, anomaly detection one such example. Finally, the law is a mechanism for protecting society from risks. This seminar has the law as a point of departure for investigating the above phenomenon, illumination various regulatory initiatives.
• Chapters 20, 24 and 36 in The Oxford handbook of International Security (“The future of International Security Norms”, “Public-private Interactions and Practices of Security”, “Trajectories for Future Cyber-Security (45 pages)
• Greenstein, Stanley, “Black Box decision-making Systems and the Role of Law”, “Nordic Yearbook (14 pages, handout)
• Herzog, Stephen, 2017, “Ten Years after the Estonian Cyberattacks. Defense and Adaptation in the Age of Digital Insecurity”, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs18, 3:67-78 (11 pages)
• Chapters 1 and 6 in Dreamscapes in Modernity. Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Fabrication of Power, 2015, eds Sheila Jasanoff and Sang Hyun Kim, University of Chicago Press (approx. 65 pages)
• High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, 2019, Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, European Commission, (39 pages)
Theme 5: Risk, decision-making and misjudging probabilities
Friday November 26. Time 10-12, 13-15. Place: Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (NOD House in Kista, Borgarfjordsgatan 12, L70 – 10-12 and L30 13-15)
Teachers: Love Ekenberg (10-12) and Mark Rhinard (13-15)
The day-long seminar will be about risk and decision analysis based on trade-offs and the balance between freedom, security, including how policy-makers and experts misjudge probabilities and e.g. give up a disproportionate amount of freedom to gain a marginally improved (societal) security. A special focus is on the disaster risk reduction during the Covid-19 pandemic. If time admits, we will also discuss a bit of how different measures can be characterized to better understand and analyze how to balance various characteristics and their trade-offs and how the different criteria can then be measured in terms of the degree of support for the various components.
• Love Ekenberg et al, 2021, “A Multi-Criteria Framework for pandemic Responses”, Public Health Policy | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.583706
• Love Ekenberg, Mats Danielsson, 2020, “A Framework for Categorising and Evaluating Tools for e-Democracy”, EJEG, 18, 1 (14 pages) https://doi.org/10.34190/EJEG.18.1.006
• Part II in Nordic Societal Security, 2020, Routledge, eds Mark Rhinard and Sebastian Larsson (157 pages, available as an e book at SUB)
• Petersen, K. L. (2012). Risk analysis - A field within security studies? European Journal of International Relations, 18(4), 693–717.
Konstvetenskaplig fördjupningskurs vid Svenska institutet i Rom, 15 hp.
Ges vid: Institutionen för kultur och estetik, Stockholms universitet och Svenska institutet i Rom.
Behörighet: Behörig är den som är antagen till utbildning på forskarnivå vid humanistisk eller annan fakultet vid Stockholms universitet, eller motsvarande vid annat lärosäte.
Språk: Kursen ges på svenska, men kan också ges på engelska om så önskas.
Stockholms universitet och Svenska institutet i Rom erbjuder under hösten 2021 kursen ”Konstvetenskaplig fördjupningskurs vid Svenska institutet i Rom, 15 hp”. Kursen riktar sig till studerande i konstvetenskap på doktorand- och avancerad nivå och ger en unik möjlighet att studera Roms visuella kultur.
Kursen omfattar sammanlagt 10 veckors heltidsstudier. Första veckan ägnas åt instudering i Sverige och de återstående nio veckorna tillbringas i och omkring staden Rom (september - november). Förutom att fördjupa sig i bildkonst och arkitektur in situ erbjuds kursens deltagare fritt boende på institutet under vistelsen, ett stipendium, samt en trevlig akademisk miljö med forskarmöten över disciplingränserna.
Sök kursen senast 15 april
Kursen är öppen för anmälan 15 mars – 15 april. Ansökan ska kompletteras med ett kortfattat personligt brev på ca. 1 sida. Skriv till vår studievägledare Richard Carlsén för mer information.
Sista datum för komplettering av dokument är 22 april. Ansökningar som vid det laget ej innehåller efterfrågat underlag kommer inte att beaktas vidare.
Se mer info om kursen och sök!
Kursen planeras att ges på plats i Rom, men vi följer utvecklingen av det nya coronaviruset – utifrån rådande läge och ansvariga myndigheters rekommendationer kan kursen med kort varsel behöva planeras om eller ställas in.
Frågor om kursens innehåll hänvisas till professor Catharina Nolin vid Institutionen för kultur och estetik: catharina.nolin@arthistory.su.se
Frågor om stipendiet hänvisas till styrelsesekreterare Lena Larsson Lovén på Svenska Institutet i Rom: sir.sekreterare@medelhavsinstituten.se
Human Footprints and Environment, 7.5 hp
Kursen ges vid Humanistiska fakultetens forskarskola, i samarbete mellan Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens kultur och Institutionen för kultur och estetik.
"The course aims to introduce students to key concerns within the research field of the environmental humanities from an interdisciplinary perspective. It provides an overview of the current state of research and acquaints students with a number of central concepts and positions within the field to encourage a critical and creative approach. With a focus on “the human footprint,” examining global issues such as climate change, pollution of air and water, the rapidly increasing loss of biodiversity, the course seeks to understand anthropogenic climate change.
The course highlights the ways in which the humanities increasingly make use of the concept of the Anthropocene to question and challenge nature-culture dichotomies as well as the presumed exceptionalism of the human. How can we understand the changes in our environment through neologisms such as hyperobject, slow violence, transcorporeal bodies? How can we grasp and alter human roles and relations to the nonhuman in the Anthropocene? The course draws attention to deep time perspectives, hauntologies, solidarity within and across generations, discussing the considerations between time perspectives made in nature- and cultural heritage studies. Posthuman, environmental and new material perspectives are of particular interest in this regard."
Sök kursen mellan 15 maj och 15 juni
Vårterminen 2022
Visual Sources, 7.5 ECTS
The Department of Culture and Aesthetics offers a course as part of the Faculty Doctoral School in Humanities. The course is offered in the spring semester 2022.
Course content
The aim of this course is twofold. First, it gives the participants the opportunity to reflect over their own thesis with a wider visual theoretical perspective. Second, it offers a generally widened awareness regarding technical, theoretical and methodological perspectives in relation to images and other visual sources.
The course conveys critical awareness and knowledge on the large variety of methods that can be used when working with images and other visual sources. Accordingly, the course is not an introduction to art- and image history. Rather, it aims to open up discussion on and create awareness of the possibilities and difficulties with visual sources in general.
Besides the introduction seminar and final examination seminar the course include the following eight seminars (dates to be confirmed in October 2021):
- Materiality and historicity of images
- Picture Research
- Visual studies or what is an image
- Visual media and mediated images
- Image, text, and metadata
- Online Images Cultures
- Ethics, Diversity and images
- Images as big data
Learning outcomes
In order to pass the course, students are expected to display awareness of and be able to critically reflect on:
- images and other visual expressions and their historicity and materiality in relation to social and ideological contexts;
- the circumstances of image production, circulation, consumption and re-use;
- different visual interfaces such as the image archive, print media, television and film, Internet and other digital media;
- different methods and theoretical perspectives for interpreting images and other visual sources.
Practical information
Attendance is mandatory. Students are expected to attend at least 80 percent of the classes. NB. The course is offered in hybrid format, i.e. it is offered on campus, but participation online is also possible.
The course is assessed through active attendance at the seminars, the completion of a written paper (2000 words) and an oral presentation of the paper.
The participants will continuously present and reflect on the above theme in relation to their own thesis. Moreover, the content of the course will be adjusted to the interest and needs of the student group. The course ends with an individual written and oral report where each participant reflects over images and other visual sources in relation to their own thesis.
Period: Spring semester 2022.
Course dates (prel.): April 19, 21, 26, 28, May 3, 5, 10, 12, 16. Either 1 pm - 4 pm or 3 pm - 6 pm. (to be confirmed in October 2021)
Language of instruction: English
Course director: Anna Dahlgren
Course name in Swedish: Visuella källor
The course is offered by: Department of Culture and Aesthetics.