Feelgood’s city clinic is located at
Grev Turegatan 34 (Metro station: Stadion or Östermalmstorg)
telephone: 08-676 82 00, Monday–Friday 08:00–17:00.
As an employee at the University you can contact Feelgood for counselling and telephone advice on work-related illnesses. The agreement does not include general medical care, but since it is often difficult to determine whether or not an illness is work-related, you should always call and consult a nurse. You can always get an appointment with a doctor for evaluation.
The head of department and other managers may, as employer’s representatives, contact the occupational health care provider for help with, for example, rehabilitation cases.
For more detailed information about the terms of the agreement, see the link important information to employees/managers about occupational health care services below.
Kamila Jonsson, personalspecialist
e-post: kamila.jonsson@su.se.