Student Life

A male student and a female student having lunch.

Thinking about a Master's in Literature?

Hi! My name is Juanita and I studied the Master's Programme in Literature at Stockholm University.


Follow master student Emma's blog

Want to know what it's really like to be a student at Stockholm University? Follow our student Emma and learn more about student life in Sweden’s capital city.

Stockholm University. Photo: Katharina Deppisch

Meet our former students

Read the stories of exchange students at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics from 2017.


Student Affairs Office

Mattias Arreborn
Room: 260
Phone: +46 (0)8-674 74 84

Phone Hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 13:30-15:30.

Our Students Affairs Office has no visiting hours until further notice. Please contact us via email or phone.