
New publications

Doctoral Thesis: Religion in Indian schools

Kristian Niemi is a PhD-graduate from Stockholm University.

Learning actions indicating algebraic thinking in multilingual classrooms

Inger Eriksson, professor in education and Helena Eriksson, PhD-student (Department of Mathematics and Science Education) have published an article in Educational Studies in Mathematics.

Doctoral Thesis by Sofia Cedervall

Sofia Cedervall is a PhD graduate from University of Chester. She is a lecturer in Drama at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education and the project manager for 'Kulturskoleklivet', Supplementary teacher training for Schools of Arts at Stockholm University.

Book cover Music, Education and Religion.

Ketil Thorgersen publishes an article about black metal music

Ketil Thorgersen is an Assistant Professor in Music Education and is the co-writer of a chapter in the book Music, Education, and Religion - Intersections and Entanglements.

New publication by Pernilla Andersson

New book about teaching challenges related to the ethical and political dimension of environmental and sustainability education.


Visiting address: Svante Arrhenius väg 20A

Postal address: Stockholms universitet, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education, 106 91 Stockholm

Telephone: +46 8-16 20 00