(Adopted by the Faculty Board of Humanities on 4 April 2011)
Due to changes to the Higher Education Ordinance on 3 December 2010, the University Board has adopted new Rules of Employment for the Recruitment and Promotion of Teachers at Stockholm University (AOSU).
The AOSU grants the Faculty Board the right to issue supplementary guidelines relating to the employment of teachers within its area of operations.
The Faculty Board should also specify what assessment criteria need to be met in order for an application for promotion from associate senior lecturer to senior lecturer, from senior lecturer to professor, and from researcher to professor to be approved or rejected.
Supplementary guidelines
For employment as or promotion to senior lecturer or professor at the Faculty of Humanities, the following criteria need to be met in addition to the criteria specified in the Higher Education Ordinance (chapter 4) and AOSU (section 2 and 4):
1. Employment as and promotion to senior lecturer
Research expertise should have been demonstrated through research at a high level. This means that the applicant’s research publications should be of high quality and have been published in reputable national and international journals and/or by reputable publishers in the form that is common within the relevant discipline. The academic publications should far exceed the requirements for a PhD, both in terms of quantity and quality.
The applicant should conduct documented and active research, preferably supported by external funding.
Additional important quality indicators in the assessment of research expertise are demonstrated independence and active participation in the national and international research community, such as at congresses and/or as a reviewer for journals, applications, etc.
Teaching expertise should have been demonstrated through teaching of high quality in both first and second-cycle education to the combined extent of at least one year’s full-time employment.
Additional important quality indicators in the assessment of teaching expertise are documented experiences of coordination and development of courses and course elements in first and second-cycle education, individual supervision of degree projects and supervision in third-cycle education.
2. Employment as and promotion to professor
Research expertise should have been demonstrated through extensive research at a high level. The applicant’s research publications should be of high quality and published in reputable, peer-reviewed national and international journals and/or by reputable publishers in the form that is common within the relevant discipline.
Furthermore, the research expertise should have been demonstrated by the applicant’s national and international activity in the field of employment, for example, as guest lecturer, reviewer and/or opponent.
The applicant should have initiated and conduct active research. Furthermore, the applicant should have received research grants in national or international competition from research councils, foundations, etc.
The applicant should have demonstrated academic leadership and have documented experience of managing research.
Teaching expertise should have been demonstrated through extensive teaching and course development of high quality. Teaching should have been conducted to no small extent in all education cycles (first, second and third cycle).
The applicant should demonstrate documented experience of extensive individual supervision, including supervision of degree projects.
The applicant should demonstrate documented experience of teaching in the third cycle, as well as of being the principal supervisor for at least one research student who has obtained a PhD.
Last updated:
January 13, 2020
Page editor:
Anna Frykholm
Source: Faculty of Humanities