- New book by Professor Tiina Rosenberg 2024-05-15 Tiina Rosenberg’s latest book ”Don’t be Quiet, Start a Riot: Essays on Feminism and Performance” is freely available in English through open access publishing at Stockholm University Press.
- The university applies for the HR Excellence in Research Award 2023-12-15 The President has decided that Stockholm University will apply for the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission.
- Join SU's Teachers' Conference 2024 — meaningful learning in our times 2023-11-23 The 2024 Teaching and Learning Conference highlights effective, creative and diverse collaborative approaches to enhance learning in higher education.
- New international master's programme within the framework of Stockholm Trio 2023-06-14 An agreement on cooperation within a new international master's programme in biostatistics and computer science between Karolinska Institutet, KTH and Stockholm University has been concluded.
- Workshop: Leveraging AI tools for efficient information search 2023-06-02 AI tools has the potential of transforming the way we search and manage information in academia. This workshop makes you better equipped to make informed decisions about the adoption and integration of AI tools into your research and teaching practices.
- AI and the future of education 2023-03-28 Can we create new and creative learning activities with OpenAI's ChatGPT? How can we relate to new AI technology in relation to examinations? How do we turn fears and concerns about digitisation into finding new ways to improve learning for our students instead?
- husera@su: Tact and the Pedagogical Relation 2023-03-17 What is pedagogical tact? How can it make me as a teacher relationally competent and how does it affect student learning? Lunchseminar with Professor Norm Friesen, Boise State University.
- Guidelines on using AI-powered chatbots in education and research 2023-03-02 The guidelines presented here are intended to offer guidance to teachers, researchers and various bodies within the university about how to relate to AI chatbots.
- Teaching & Learning Event: On pedagogical perspectives on quality in doctoral education 2023-03-01 What characterizes a high-quality doctoral education? How can we improve doctoral education so that doctoral students' development is promoted? What can we learn from UKÄ's quality reviews of doctoral education from a pedagogical perspective?
- SoTL Conference on Future learning — Learning for the future 2022-11-25 Get ready for KTH’s 5th Scholarship of Teaching and Learning conference: KTH SoTL 2023 — Future learning — Learning for the future. This conference will be taking place in-person at KTH on 7 March 2023. Welcome all SU teachers!
- Teaching and Learning event: Sustainable educational development through pedagogical ambassadors 2022-11-22 How do we make the most of the resources invested in learning in higher education? How do pedagogical ambassadors pave the way for sustainable learning? Lecture and good examples from the year's various development projects — such as seeing students as a resource for pedagogical development and how should we teach for a sustainable future?
- International student barometer 2022 2022-10-25 Stockholm University will participate in the International Student Barometer 2022, ISB, a survey for international students. The survey is conducted during the period 17 November to 19 December, and all international students at Stockholm University will receive an email with an individual link to answer it.
- The dynamics of law-making: A world history 2022-09-09 Researchers at CEK have published a book on the world history of laws, giving a concrete and comprehensive example of cultural dynamics in action.
- Why are humans so different from other animals? 2022-09-09 Why do humans drive cars and not chimpanzees? What explanations can be found in our prehistory? Watch a short introduction to our research programme on evolutionary transitions in humans.
- Nu öppnar anmälan till Mentorsprogrammet 2022 2022-04-20 Hösten 2022 startar Mentorsprogrammet på nytt. Satsningen vid Humanvetenskapliga området sammanför juniora forskare med mentorer. Ansökan står öppen till 15 juni.
- Successful relaunch of and 2022-04-05 The project to collect, develop and make the content available for the university's researchers on the central internal websites is now complete.
- Grant for NILAS network from the Joint Committee for Nordic research councils 2022-02-02 The NILAS network, through University of Copenhagen, have been granted 42 999 €
- Survey findings: An increasing amount of students and teachers make online teaching work 2021-09-07 A lot of things have developed and improved over the past year, but new challenges have also been added. This is demonstrated in the university's follow-up study of how online teaching has worked for students and teachers.
- Survey on this Spring’s online education 2021-09-03 The University would like to better understand students’ and teachers’ experiences with this Spring’s online education. The purpose is to learn from these experiences so that the University is better equipped for the future and provides sustainable teaching that supports student learning.
- How to prepare for hybrid teaching or meeting 2021-09-02 Hybrid teaching is teaching where some students participate from a physical location at the same time as other students participate online. Basic rules for digital meetings still apply, but the dynamics will be different. The combined environment places particular demands on achieving functioning and balanced communication for all parties. Here are tips and advice on how to prepare the teaching or meeting so that it will be as good as possible for all participants.
- NILAS Latin American Film Festival 2021-08-27 Welcome to the 1st Latin American Film Festival for students organized at Stockholm University.
- Bildningspodden #132 | Renässansen 2021-07-06 Renässansen brukar beskrivas som en upplyst tid av vetenskapliga framsteg, konstnärliga bragder och en nyväckt förståelse för antikens kultur. Men hur ska vi förstå renässansen idag? Och vad var egentligen det unika med Florens som kulturstad? Konsthistorikern Sabrina Norlander Eliasson och litteraturhistorikern Anders Cullhed Bildningspodden gästar Bildningspoddens säsongsavslutning.
- PhD candidate Gianfranco Selgas receives LASA Section Award 2021 2021-07-02 The Best Article on Venezuela Award by the Venezuelan Studies Section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) recognizes high quality research on the Humanities and Social Sciences.
- A year of teaching and learning online — what do students and teachers think now? 2021-06-02 Time to follow-up last year's survey where students and teachers shared their experiences of the transition to online teaching and learning as result of the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020. What has happened since then and how did it go?
- Survey reveals major challenges with online teaching 2021-06-01 Online teaching entails major changes for both teachers and students. This is one of the findings of a survey of nearly 4,000 students and more than 600 teachers at the university.
- Workshop on Digital teaching and learning essentials 2021-05-19 Learn how digital tools, open educational resources and online collaborative learning settings can be utilized effectively for teaching and learning. An introduction to possibilities and instruments when designing online courses, as well as a presentation of the course Open Networked Learning.
- Azucena Castro and Gianfranco Selgas in conversation with directors of the documentary “Arica” 2021-05-18 Ph.D. Azucena Castro and Ph.D. candidate Gianfranco Selgas hosted an open-talk with filmmakers William Johansson Kalé and Lars Edman about their documentary “Arica” (2020).
- New Book: Birka’s Black Earth Harbour 2021-05-17 The excavation of Birka’s Black Earth Harbour in 2015/16 is now published.
- The chess master José R. Capablanca, at NILA’s library 2021-05-06 Today we honor the Cuban chess player José Raul Capablanca at the NILAS´ library. This year is the hundredth anniversary of his world championship title which he officially won against Emanuel Lasker, in Havana 1921
- Call For Papers: SAGE Special Issue with Earth in focus 2021-04-27 SAGE guest editor and Stockholm University professor Miyase Christensen welcomes contributions from a wide variety of research fields to an upcoming special issue of the International Journal of Cultural Studies - On Mediations and the Environment: Earth in Focus.
- Exploring the unfinished encyclopedias 2021-04-23 Linn Holmberg, researcher in History of Ideas at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, and Maria Simonsen researcher at Aalborg University are the editors of Stranded Encyclopedias, 1700–2000, a new anthology published by Palgrave Macmillan in the series ”New Directions in Book History”.
- Symposium: Photography in Children's Literature 2021-04-20 A symposium on Photography in Children's Literature will be held online at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics on 20-21 May 2021. The symposium should have been held 19–20 March 2020 but was postponed due to participating guests' travel restrictions.
- New dissertation - Jack Dury - Dealing With Radiocarbon Reservoir Effects in Human and Faunal Skelet 2021-04-19
- DNA analyses highlight kinship structures in early farming groups in Anatolia 2021-04-14 An international research team with participants from Stockholm University has analyzed ancient DNA from human remains of the earliest Neolithic cultures from 10,000-8000 years ago in today's Turkey.
- Seeking proof for Viking identity in DNA 2021-04-09 In a new study Anna Källén, Associate Professor and researcher in Heritage Studies at the Department of Culture and Aestetics and Daniel Strand, Uppsala University, have conducted interviews with fourteen persons who have taken DNA tests, and asked them about the desire to “be a Viking”. Did they see themselves as related to Vikings, to have a Viking heritage, or to be Vikings themselves? And which characteristics did they connect with their Viking identity?
- A new language policy 2021-03-25 A new language policy is now in place, adapted to current actions and needs. The policy is short and focuses on general statements with rationales.
- Language is of key importance for everyone 2021-03-24 It is not unusual for media to portray the study of languages as exclusive interests, which only a small number of people occupy themselves with. What they are forgetting is that we use language all the time, every day, to communicate with the world around us.
- New film on Birka 2021-03-11 New film on Birka from the excavation in August 2020.
- Ocean Bound Women in the 19th century 2021-03-09 This spring World Scientific Publishing will publish the book Ocean Bound Women (London och Singapore: WSPC, 2021), written by Anders Hallengren, associate professor in Literature at Stockholm university. The book presents unique materials from a sailor's coffin with hitherto unpublished materials from Swedish seafaring women from the 19th century.
- The concept of Nostalgia in children's literature 2021-03-09 Literature Professor Boel Westin contributes to the second edition of the book Keywords for children's literature, with the article ”Nostalgia”.
- "Entangled memories of violence", new article by Victoria Fareld 2021-03-09 In a new article in the journal Memory Studies (16/2 2021), Victoria Fareld, associate professor in History of Ideas, Stockholm University, analyzes how the Austrian writer Jean Améry formulates his memories of the Holocaust in the contemporaneous situation of decolonisation.
- Stranded encyclopedias: encyclopedic dreams and practices, c. 1700–2000 2021-03-09 Welcome to an open international symposium on abandoned encyclopedias with presentations by fifteen scholars from several disciplines and countries. Free admission.
- LAGLOBE – Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) 2021-03-03 Call for applications to the Erasmus Mundus scholarship - Latin American and Europe in a Global World - 120 credits - LAGLOBE Master is an innovative, interdisciplinary and international master’s programme in Latin American studies. Students will gain multidimensional and cross-cultural competences.
- The LAGLOBE students arrive to Stockholm University 2021-03-03 The students of the Erasmus Joint Masters Degree Program (EJMDP), Latin American in a Global World (LAGLOBE), arrived to Stockholm to attend courses during spring 2021
- Erika Theissen Walukiewicz successfully defended her PhD thesis today 2021-02-23 Erika Theissen Walukiewicz successfully defended her PhD thesis 'Ethical Encounters' at Stockholm University on February 5.
- Conversation in Portuguese 2021-02-04 Portuguese Conversation online for Portuguese students enrolled at Stockholm University
- Online workshop: Rethinking assessment in our digital environment 2021-01-11 The uptake of digital technology to innovate our teaching and learning has been increasing; as has research and literature focusing on new sets of skills for 21st-century competencies. With Covid 19, the move to 'emergency remote teaching' has accelerated the urgent need to look at teaching and learning in the digital environment; but what needs to happen with assessment in this uncertain future?
- DNA-analyser kartlägger forntida migration och pest i Asien 2021-01-08 Analyser av forntida DNA ger nya insikter om befolkningsutvecklingen i nordöstra Asien med perioder av migration och mobilitet, kontinuitet och utbrott av pest.
- Ancient DNA analysis reveals Asian migration and plague 2021-01-08 Ancient DNA reveals a history of migrations, continuity, and diseases in northeastern Asia.
- Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 2020-12-18 The editorial team is proud to present the latest open-access articles published in Iberoamericana - Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
- Sofia Lodén participates in SCAS Talks podcast 2020-12-17 Listen to Sofia Lodén talking about how "translations create new literary traditions and links between European cultures”
- New issue of Nordic Journal of Francophone Studies – 2020-12-08 Mickaëlle Cedergren and Christophe Premat, co-editors in chief for the Nordic Journal of Francophone Studies, have the pleasure to announce the publication of a new issue on the North in Francophone literatures.
- Nordic journal grant to Iberoamericana 2020-12-08 Iberoamericana was granted the Nordic NOP-HS grant for journals, to promote the dissemination of qualified research results within the fields of humanities and social sciences
- El repositorio digital del CEPAL publica audio con clase magistral del economista Raúl Prebisch 2020-11-26 Tres clases magistrales dictadas por el economista Raúl Prebisch en los años 80 en el Instituto Nórdico de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Estocolmo accesibles en formato de audio
- Podden om LAMP-projektet 2020-11-18 Jenny Larsson poddar om LAMP-projektet.
- Online workshop: Can we really develop Wikipedia assignments at the university? 2020-11-16 Wikipedia is a well-used source of knowledge. Its reputation has also become better within the academy and formal education, not only being the everyday target for looking up things. However, in order for Wikipedia to be used to its full potential, we must know both how it functions, how we can work with it in a source critical manner, and how we ourselves can contribute to the medium.
- Researcher: ”Arctic climate change is a supreme issue of planetary significance” 2020-11-12 ”As you know, we hit a record low Arctic sea-ice minimum this year, so unfortunately the stakes are even higher in many ways”, professor Miyase Christensen, Stockholm University, told IMS website on Monday. Yesterday she addressed the power politics that threatens the future of the region, as the Arctic Circle Mission Council gathered virtually this year.
- Ben Wilson: The link between age at arrival and adaptation to life in Sweden 2020-11-12 The Stockholm University Engagement Program 'migration and integration' has interviewed Ben Wilson from the Stockholm University Demography Unit (SUDA) at the Department of Sociology. He explains his current research on migration and integration and the role of age at arrival in determining the life course trajectories of immigrants who arrived in Sweden as children.
- Masterstudent Emma Welton's first article 2020-11-11 Emma Welton, student at the International Master’s Programme in Performance Studies, has published an article in the Theatre Research International.
- The Nordic Latin Americanist Network (NOLAN) 2020-11-10 The Nordic Latin American Research Network (NOLAN) is an interdisciplinary network of institutions and individuals specialized in the study of Latin America. NOLAN has celebrated biannual conferences since 2002 and is coordinated by the Board of the Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies
- Valberedningens förslag till vicerektorer 2020-10-28 Här presenteras valberedningens förslag till vicerektorer för Humanvetenskapliga området. Förslaget gäller mandatperioden 2021-2023.
- Regionalism in Latin America 2020-10-27 Agents, Systems and Resilience - New publication Edited By José Briceño-Ruiz and Andres Rivarola Puntigliano
- Normal Now! Art and Dis/ability in a Digital World 2020-10-26 Welcome to an international symposium online 29 October, arranged by the Department of Culture and Aesthetics at Stockholm University.
- He dives into the history of television 2020-10-23 While many American histories of television only start with the public demonstrations in New York in 1939, research fellow Doron Galili, Stockholm University, digs even deeper into the television's origins. On Tuesday he recounted the history of tv in an interview with USC Professor Henry Jenkins.
- Sociocultural Pragmatics - Latest issue - (SOPRAG) - International Journal of Spanish Linguistics 2020-10-23 Sociocultural Pragmatics (SOPRAG) is a biannual open access journal focusing on social and cultural aspects of the Spanish language in all its forms and expressions. SOPRAG is published with the financial support of Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council, Ministry of Education and Research, Sweden).
- Monika Gänssbauer promoted to professor in Chinese language and culture 2020-10-20 We are happy and proud to congratulate Monika Gänssbauer on her promotion to Professor in Chinese language and culture at Stockholm University.
- Robin Wahlsten Böckerman has published a new book 2020-10-09 The Bavarian Commentary and Ovid is the first complete critical edition and translation of the earliest preserved commentary on Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
- Kulturell evolution ämne för nya kurser 2020-10-06 Den som vill lära sig mer om kulturell evolution utifrån tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv kan till våren söka två nya masterkurser vid Stockholms universitet. Kurserna välkomnar studenter från alla fakulteter.
- The Fifth and Final Volume of Ars Edendi Lecture Series 2020-09-23 This "Ars Edendi Lecture Series Volume V" is the final volume of lectures on textual criticism and classical philology given within the framework of the Ars edendi research programme (2008-2015), edited by Erika Kihlman and Denis Searby.
- Forskare från Humanvetenskapliga området deltar i projektet ”Aldrig våld” 2020-09-16 Tidigare i år delade Humanvetenskapliga området ut samverkansmedel till projektet ”Aldrig våld” vid Barnrättscentrum på Stockholms universitet. Som en del av projektet presenteras nu samtal med forskare kring barns rätt till kultur samt pjäsen ”En sten i magen”.
- Reality and process 2020-09-14 Xavier Zubiri Foundation, Stockholm University, Central University of Venezuela and Center of Science and Faith invite you to participate in the transdisciplinary seminar streaming “Reality and process”.
- More women journalists than ever before in India, but their safety is deteriorating 2020-09-04 “We have more women journalists than ever – but the conditions are becoming more difficult”, professor Shakuntala Rao, SUNY, said Tuesday, describing the media landscape in her native country India.
- The SOFI seminar series up and running again 2020-09-01 The two seminar series arranged by SOFI are up and running again – now as digital web seminars via Zoom.
- Chávez’s Aló Presidente and its Impact on Venezuela’s Journalistic Practice 2020-08-31 New article at The Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies - Iberoamericana
- The Department of Media Studies transitions to distance learning 2020-08-26 The Department of Media Studies transitions to distance learning from 18 March 2020, due to the difficult situation caused by the spread of the novel coronavirus in Sweden.
- Swedish-English academic glossary for employees 2020-08-24 What does the Swedish word “doktorand” mean? How do you translate “MA student” into Swedish? An updated list of academic terminology and concepts in both Swedish and English, aimed at those working in an international context, is now available on our website.
- La Tertulia - Taller de pensamiento latinoamericano 2020-08-21 New initiative at Nilas, the workshop for discussion and analysis: “La Tertulia. Taller de pensamiento latinoamericano”
- Rikard Hoogland about Lars Noren and Jon Fosse in new article 2020-08-14 Rikard Hoogland, associate professor of Theatre and Performance Studies at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, has written an article in the new anthology Contemporary European Playwrights, eds. Maria M. Delgado, Bryce Lease, Dan Rebellato (Routledge).
- Professor: "Everyone assumed that men founded the film industry" 2020-07-20 ”Friends of those heads of industries wrote those first versions of what happened. And little by little it was forgotten that women were instrumental”, said Professor Jane Gaines, Columbia University, N.Y., newly awarded with an honorary doctorate degree by Stockholm University.
- Spring Term’s online education: a challenge with development potential 2020-07-03 The Center for the Advancement of University Teaching now presents the first results of the survey where students and teachers at Stockholm University have answered questions about their experiences of switching to online education this spring.
- Digital Humanities Now 2020-06-24 Hosted at Stockholm University on 27-29 Jan 2021, this conference will showcase new and ongoing research in the broad Digital Humanities field.
- Entrevista con Sergio Chejfec, autor y profesor de escritura creativa, Universidad de Nueva York 2020-06-22 Gianfranco Selgas, doctorando en español con enfoque en literatura y cultura latinoamericana, entrevista a Sergio Chejfec
- Professor Vanessa Barker: Covid-19 poses serious threats to the life chances of asylum seekers 2020-06-15 The Stockholm University Engagement Program 'migration and integration' has interviewed Professor Vanessa Barker at the Department of Sociology. She explains her current research on migration and integration and the possible effects of the Covid-10 virus in regards to asylum seekers.
- The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on women and women’s rights in Latin America 2020-06-05 Panelist: Michelle Bachelet, Margot Wallström and Nadine Gasman
- L’exception suédoise 2020-05-14 Le journal canadien Le Devoir interviewe Fanny Forsberg Lundell, Elisabeth Bladh et Fanny Härgestam au sujet de la stratégie suédoise de non-confinement face au coronavirus.
- A unique international master’s programme in Latin American studies 2020-05-12 The LAGLOBE Master’s programme “Latin America and Europe in a Global World” spans two continents and three universities. The students are even more diverse and the studies are strikingly interdisciplinary, creating a unique opportunity to learn and better understand the world, say three students at the programme.
- CANCELLED - Subjects in Romance 2020-05-07 The purpose of the symposium is to bring together researchers who have conducted studies on subjects in Romance languages.
- The experts’ best book tips for corona times 2020-04-30 Are you tired of the world being limited? It doesn't have to be. Four literature experts from Stockholm University give their best book tips for the time of corona.
- Doctoral Thesis by Sofia Cedervall 2020-04-27 Sofia Cedervall is a PhD graduate from University of Chester. She is a lecturer in Drama at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education and the project manager for 'Kulturskoleklivet', Supplementary teacher training for Schools of Arts at Stockholm University.
- Use your power to treat your colleagues well! 2020-04-27 Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences (DEEP) organized a workshop aiming to prevent the misuse of power. Now they hope that other departments at SU will follow in their footsteps.
- Children's fears in the time of Covid-19 2020-04-23 At the present time many children see the future as frightening and very uncertain. Helena Hörnfeldt, Associate Professor of Ethnology, has recently completed a research project about children’s fears.
- Site for recruitment of international staff available at 2020-04-23 Seven years ago, a project started with the aim of improving information in English for the recruitment of international staff. The work resulted in a site for prospective international staff, but also administrative managers and staff managers at the university’s departments and institutes.
- Nine new Honorary Doctorates at Stockholm University 2020 2020-04-15 Stockholm University has chosen this year’s honorary doctors, all of whom have contributed in distinctive ways to the University’s activities in research and education. The new honorary doctors are: Jane Gaines, Tobias Svanelid, Lars Hörngren, Yuto Kitamura, Ann Åberg, Karen Kohfeld, Fernando Martín, Joanna Rose and John Rubinstein.
- Karolinska Institutet, KTH and Stockholm University form the university alliance Stockholm trio 2020-04-07 The aim with the university alliance is to strengthen the development of the Stockholm region and to highlight the internationally distinguished research and education environment that the three universities constitute together.
- Domitor: Early Cinema, from Provenance to Media Archaeology: Notes from the Media Matter Conference 2020-04-06 The 'Media Matter: Media-Archaeological Research and Artistic Practice' conference at Stockholm University last year "sought to rethink the relationship among media objects, materiality, history, and art practice by exploring a wide range of both well-known and forgotten media artifacts", writes Domitor's Hugo Ljungbäck.
- Expert: The king's speech to the nation eases the sense of danger 2020-04-03 Two weeks ago H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf gave a speech to the nation. Media researcher Kristina Widestedt, at Stockholm University, specialized in the role of royals in society, told Politico on Wednesday that: "A comforting message helps ease the imminent sense of danger".
- University bands together to help out health care 2020-03-26 Stockholm University was early in meeting the demands of the healthcare sector during the corona outbreak. Demand for protective materials is still high and departments are inventorying their supplies. SU-butiken has, for example, sent boxes of overhead transparencies to Stockholm-area hospitals.
- Cancelled! Conference with writer Ananda Devi – French language and multilingualism 2020-03-11 Institut français i collaboration with Department of Romance Studies and Classics welcomes you to a conference with writer Ananda Devi. The event is part of the celebration in Sweden of the 50th anniversary of The International Organisation of La Francophonie.
- Nordic Latin American Institute inaugurated 2020-03-06 For over fifty years, there have been talks and plans about creating a Nordic Latin American Institute. Now the dream is fulfilled and the Institute has been inaugurated at Stockholm University.
- Vanguardia feminista y movilización social latinoamericana 2020-02-28 El evento presentó un panel compuesto por el Colectivo chileno LASTESIS y la Prof. Dr. Merike Blofield. El tema central del evento fue el papel del feminismo y los temas de género en los movimientos sociales actuales en América Latina.
- ’Student day’ at the Nordic Institute of Latin American studies (NILAS) 2020-02-18 On February 14th, the Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies and the Student Council at the Department of Romance Studies and Classics hosted the Student day at NILAS! at the Institute’s library.
- Storia sacra e profana nei volgarizzamenti medioevali. Rilievi di lingua e di cultura 2020-02-17 Publication by Michele Colombo, together with Paolo Pellegrini and Simone Pregnolato
- Media Matter: Media-Archaeological Research and Artistic Practice 2020-02-17 Read our full report from the international conference 'Media Matter: Media-Archaeological Research and Artistic Practice' in Stockholm on November 27-29, 2019. Written by Doron Galili, research fellow, and John Fullerton, professor emeritus.
- Career seminar at Stockholm University 2020-02-13 Stockholm University and the Young Academy of Sweden arranged the seminar “How to succeed as a researcher at SU” on 3 February.
- Who do you think should be given an award for good teaching? 2020-02-10 Who should be given an award for good teaching? If you are a student who has had a teacher who inspired and motivated you to really learn, or if you are a member of staff who has a colleague who makes outstanding efforts in teaching, just don't hesitate. Nominate your teacher for "The Award for Good Teaching - 2020".
- You now have the opportunity to get your Italian up to speed before the summer 2020-02-04 You now have the opportunity to get your Italian up to speed before the summer. Benvenuti a un ciclo di incontri per sviluppare le abilità linguistiche: leggere, ascoltare, parlare e scrivere.
- Student day at NILAS! 2020-01-30 The Student Council and the staff of the Nordic Latin American Institute invite you to a Student Day
- Curating Art: Survival of the Fittest 2020-01-30 Welcome to a collaborative project between students from the Royal Institute of Art, students from the International Master’s Programme in Curating Art, the Swedish Museum of Natural History and exhibition space Accelerator.
- Call for Papers: Tolerance(s) - concepts, language, history and practices 2020-01-28 This is the Call for Papers for an International Colloquium in Stockholm 12-13 October, 2020. Key Note Speakers are Jenny White, Christer Mattsson, Denis Crouzet och Emmanuel Fraisse. Lilian Thuram, Honorary Doctor at Stockholm university, will speak at a public seminar.
- Curating Art: My Mother’s Language 2020-01-24 My Mother’s Language is a collaboration between the exhibition space Accelerator and the International Master’s Programme in Curating Art at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics at Stockholm University. 29 January, 2020.
- NILAS at The International workshop “Continentalism: new vision” 2020-01-24 NILAS at the international workshop “Continentalism: new vision” at the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH)
- The Vikings erected a runestone out of fear of a climate catastrophe 2020-01-08 Thanks to an interdisciplinary research project the Rök stone, a Viking Age runic monument, has a new interpretation. It deals with the conflict between light and darkness, warmth and cold, life and death.
- The Arctic – while the ice is melting and the research behind it 2019-12-19 An exhibition that tells the ancient tale of ice, of geological history, and of how mankind pushed ever further northwards.
- Iberoamericana – Record number of articles in 2019 2019-12-16 Iberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the journal published since 1977 by the Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies, is closing 2019 with a record number of publications. In 2019 Iberoamericana featured eight research articles, four book reviews and one special collection “Saber y teoría en la reflexion latinoamericana sobre regionalismo”, edited by guest-editor José Briceño-Ruiz.
- Spectating Event and Cinematographic Image in "Bambi and me" by Michel Tremblay 2019-12-12 Sara Bédard-Goulet, researcher in contemporary literature ar the University of Tartu, presented a paper at the Deparment of English (Stockholm University) on a response event presented in "Bambi and me" by Michel Tremblay (Les Vues animées, trans. Sheila Fischman, 1998), a collection of autobiographical narratives about significant film experiences.
- Andrés Rivarola keynote speaker at CIALC 2019-12-11 Andrés Rivarola was invited as keynote speaker at an event organized by the Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe (CIALC)
- Saber y teoría en la reflexión latinoamericana sobre regionalismo 2019-12-05 Nuevo número de IBEROAMERICANA - This special issue examines the contributions of Latin American thinkers and theorists who have analyzed the various regional cooperation and integration initiatives since the 19th century.
- Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre: Ett framåtblickande jubileumsfirande 2019-12-04 Dekan och vicerektor Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre beskriver jubileumsåret och hälsar välkomna till Humanistiska fakultetens avslutande jubileumsfirande i Aula Magna den 17 december.
- Celebrate the Faculty of Humanities in Aula Magna 2019-11-27 What does a city remember? What does a prefect actually know? Who was Greta Arwidsson? On December 17th The Faculty of Humanities invites you to a celebration of all things humanities.
- Sociocultural Pragmatics - Latest issue - (SOPRAG) - International Journal of Spanish Linguistics 2019-11-21 Pragmática sociocultural - Revista Internacional sobre Lingüística del Español - Volume 7 Issue 2 (2019). Ed. by Bernal, Maria / Bravo, Diana. ISSN: 21948305
- Institute of Latin American Studies acquires Nordic status 2019-11-04 The Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies is the new name of the Institute of Latin American Studies at Stockholm University. The hope is that this will enhance Nordic collaboration in the areas of research and education.
- Colombian gastronomic awareness and salsa dance at NILAS 2019-10-25 ‘Colombia day’ at the Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies
- New Alumni Mentorship Programme launched 2019-10-18 The high energy, drive and commitment was palpable when a new mentorship programme kicked off - connecting alumni and students for mutual benefit.
- The Institute goes Nordic! 2019-10-16 The President of Stockholm University (SU) have decided that the institute, from 2019-09-26 will be called Nordiska Latinamerikainstitutet (NILAS)
- In memory of Sara Danius 2019-10-14 The passing of our colleague Sara Danius is a loss to the cultural life of Sweden, and a great loss to the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, where Sara was professor of literature since 2013.
- Offical launch of European collaboration 2019-10-03 Stockholm University takes part in the new European university alliance CIVIS that brings together over 384,000 students and 55,000 staff members at eight universities across Europe. On 1 October, it was officially launched.
- Delayed framework agreement for SPSS 2019-09-27 Our agreement with SPSS expired on August 30, and the new activation codes are delayed due to further framework contract negotiations.
- A dictionary of Italian word families 2019-09-25 A new kind of dictionary by Prof. Michele Colombo and prof. Paolo D’Achille (Third University of Rome) has been published
- Language in theory and in practice 2019-09-24 How are language and multilingualism translated into practice? And what does multilingualism mean for literature, authorships and education?
- Curating Art at Accelerator: This is Survival 2019-09-20 This is Survival is a collaboration between the exhibition space Accelerator and the International Master’s Programme in Curating Art at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics at Stockholm University.
- Curating Art at Accelerator: Dance Concerts 2019-09-20 Dance Concerts is an artistic project that invites practitioners within the choreographic field to present ongoing work. The event takes place at 26 September and is a collaboration with the International Master’s Programme in Curating Art at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics and the newly inaugurated exhibition space Accelerator.
- The case for communication rights: A rights-based approach to media development 2019-09-19 New publication from LAI researcher Paola Sartoretto
- Sofia Lodén is the winner of an essay prize 2019-09-16 Sofia Lodén, researcher in medieval literature, has won the international JIAS (Journal of the International Arthurian Society) essay price for her article “Female Arthurians in Scandinavia: Eufemia, Christina and the Modern Female Scholar”, published in the journal in September 2019.
- Sociocultural Pragmatics - Latest issue - (SOPRAG) - International Journal of Spanish Linguistics 2019-09-05 Pragmática sociocultural - Revista Internacional sobre Lingüística del Español - Volume 7 Issue 1 (2019). Ed. by Bernal, Maria / Bravo, Diana
- New document summarizes core values project 2019-08-29 In connection to the staff kick-off event for the academic year, a summary of the discussions within the university´s work with core values in 2018, the Living Values project, is published in Swedish and English on the university websites.
- Inauguration of Accelerator 2019-08-29 On Friday, September 6, Accelerator, Stockholm University’s exhibition space, will be inaugurated by President Astrid Söderbergh Widding. The President’s opening speech will take place at 1 p.m.
- Study finds new evidence of 5 more Allied gift shops in Italy 2019-06-25 Historians know that the Allied forces ran gift shops exclusively for foreign military personnel in different European cities during World War II. But a new study by Dr. Chiara Faggella, Stockholm University, reveals that there were another 5 Allied gift shops in Italy, run by a civilian; the businessmann and commissionaire Giovanni Battista Giorgini.
- Nuovo studio scopre 5 negozi in Italia che vendevano artigianato di lusso ai soldati alleati 2019-06-25 Gli storici sanno che, durante la seconda guerra mondiale, gli Alleati gestivano negozi di articoli da regalo per le proprie forze armate in diverse città europee. Ma un nuovo studio della dottoressa Chiara Faggella, dell’università di Stoccolma, svela che 5 speciali Allied Gift Shop in Italia erano gestiti da un civile: l’uomo d’affari Giovanni Battista Giorgini.
- Political Discourses at the Extremes: Expressions of Populism in Romance-Speaking Countries 2019-04-26 The authors of this edited volume focus on the emergence of populist discourses, coming from movements or parties from Romance-speaking countries in Europe and in Latin America. Political Discourses at the Extremes: Expressions of Populism in Romance-Speaking Countries is an edited volume in English, French and Spanish.
- Inauguration and Conferment 2018 2019-02-07 Stockholm University has held its annual inauguration and conferment ceremony in the City Hall. New professors were installed and new doctors were conferred. In addition, seven jubilee doctors and nine honorary doctorates were conferred.
- 4th Annual CEST conference hosted by SUITS 2019-01-14 From 29 November to 1 December 2018, Stockholm was the site of the Fourth Annual European Symposium on Turkey which focused on Societal Conflict and Cohabitation in Turkey and beyond.
- The Portuguese Language Continuum in Africa and Brazil 2018-12-12 The first publication in English to offer studies on a whole set of varieties of Portuguese in Africa as well as Brazilian Portuguese
- Keynote IFTR-konferensen: Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal 2018-12-04 Nu går det att se keynoteföreläsningen från teaterkonferensen med Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal.
- Keynote från IFTR-konferensen: Dorthe Jørgensen 2018-12-04 Nu går det att se sändningen av keynoteföreläsningen med Dorthe Jørgensen från teaterkonferensen den 17 juni.
- SUITS celebrates its 5th anniversary 2018-11-28 What have we accomplished and where are we headed?
- Pour une généalogie critique de la Francophonie 2018-11-27 The monograph Pour une généalogie critique de la Francophonie, by Christophe Premat, studies the genesis of the institutions of the Francophonie at the time of independence of African countries in the sixties.
- Global challenges and sustainable futures 2018-11-09 Nubia Evertsson participated in a panel organized by CEMUS, Uppsala University & SLU
- "International media covers the Arctic in stereotypical ways" 2018-10-24 The international media often focuses on glaciers and polars bears as it covers the Arctic region in a very stereotypical ways, researcher Miyase Christensen told Icelandic TV broadcaster RUV on Sunday in Reykjavik.
- SU plays a key role in a growing research field on cultural change 2018-10-23 A study shows that the Centre for Cultural Evolution has a central role in a growing interdisciplinary field studying cultural change.
- Programme on knowledge resistance awarded SEK 50.4 million 2018-10-23 Åsa Wikforss, professor of philosophy at the Department of Philosophy is awarded SEK 50.4 million for the programme “Knowledge Resistance: Causes, Consequences and Cures”.
- New book about Art History and Modernism 2018-09-27 “Modernism as Institution: On the Establishment of an Aesthetic and Historiographic Paradigm” is a new book by Hans Hayden, Professor of Art History at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- Hon tröttnar aldrig på att granska makten 2018-09-20 Nubia Evertsson was interviewed by Uppsala Nya Tidningen
- Welcome Day for PhD Students 2018-09-10 The Humanities, Social Sciences and Law Faculties are organizing a welcome day for PhD students where various aspects of the PhD program will be discussed. This day is particularly for newly admitted PhD students, but all PhD students are welcome.
- New book about travelling images 2018-08-28 Anna Dahlgren, Professor of Art History at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, har written the new book “Travelling Images. Looking Across the Borderlands of Art, Media and Visual Culture (in the series Rethinking Art’s Histories”, Manchester University Press, 2018).
- Andreas Hellerstedt editor of new book 2018-08-24 Andreas Hellerstedt, researcher in History of Ideas at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, is the editor och the new book “Virtue Ethics and Education from Late Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century” (Amsterdam University Press, 2018).
- Stockholm University ranks 77 in the world 2018-08-16 Stockholm University is ranked at place 77 in the latest edition of the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2018, the prestigious Shanghai Ranking.
- Beyond Parity in Figures: The Challenges in Reality of Municipal Women Councillors in Bolivia 2018-05-23 Iberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
- New book: ‘Mozart’s “La clemenza di Tito”: A Reappraisal’ 2018-05-11 ‘Mozart’s “La clemenza di Tito”: A Reappraisal’ is edited by Magnus Tessning Schneider and Ruth Tatlow. The book is a product of the Performing Premodernity research project, based at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- In the mood for power: Media, emotions and power 2018-04-12 Anu Kantola, Guest Professor at Stockholm University, gave a Public Lecture on April 10. The event was organized and sponsored by the Leading Research Environment and addressed the meaning of emotions in mediated performances of power and social change.
- New book by Dirk Gindt 2018-04-04 Dirk Gindt, Associate Professor in Theatre Studies, has just published the volume "Viral Dramaturgies: HIV and AIDS in Performance in the Twenty-First Century" (Palgrave Macmillan 2018), co-edited with Alyson Campbell (University of Melbourne).
- Aida - öppen föreläsning »Att skapa Italien« 2018-03-26 Den öppna föreläsningen hölls i Kungliga Operans Guldfoajé den 8 mars av Tzortzis Ikonomou, lektor i italienska vid Stockholms universitet
- Inauguration and Conferment 2017 2018-03-20 The Stockholm City Hall was fully packed at Stockholm University's conferment ceremony of new doctors and new professors. The Vice-Chancellor highlighted the importance of the University's independent research and its importance to the surrounding society.
- Strengthening ties between Europe and Latin America 2018-03-16 New Framework Cooperation Agreement between Stockholm University and the Europe-Latin America Foundation (EU-LAC).
- Guest Lecture: Patrick Primavesi 2018-03-13 Welcome to the open lecture "Site Specific Performance between Urban Environment, Global Context and Mobile Media Technologies", given by Professor Patrick Primavesi, from the University of Leipzig.
- Two open lectures by Professor Victoria Kahn 2018-02-22 The Department of Culture and Aesthetics is proud to welcome Professor Victoria Kahn from the University of California, Berkeley, to Stockholm University, May 14th–16th, 2018. She specializes in Early Modern literature and will give to open lectures.
- Workshop with Angela Ndalianis 2018-01-15 Towards an Alternative (Trans-)cultural History: Popular Culture, Subculture, Entertainment Culture, Media Culture... In March 2018, Angela Ndalianis, professor in Media and Entertainment Studies, the Department of Media and Communication, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, will visit the Department of Culture and Aesthetics at Stockholm University.
- Researching religious phenomena in Latin America’s public domains 2018-01-12 A blog entry by Edgar Zavala Pelayo
- Meeting students and alumni around the world 2017-11-20 During the autumn, Stockholm University has participated in recruitment activities and arranged events for international alumni around the world.
- Performativity and Artistic Practices 2017-11-10 Watch the film from the international and interdisciplinary open symposium arranged by the Department of Culture and Aesthetics 2 October 2017.
- Busy schedule for Honorary Doctor Thuram 2017-10-03 Lilian Thuram, French author and former football player spent a busy week in Stockholm in connection with receiving an Honorary Doctorate at Stockholm University.
- Stockholm University 82 in the world within Arts & humanities 2017-09-13 Stockholm University tops the THE Arts & humanities ranking in Sweden.
- Seven ERC-grants to Stockholm University 2017-08-28 Seven researchers at Stockholm University have been awarded the prestigious Starting Grant from the European Research Council. The funding ranges from 1.3 to almost 1.5 million euros each. Five of the scientists will continue their research at Stockholm University.
- Heritage and Borders 2017-08-23 International and interdisciplinary symposium on heritage and borders on September 21, with open lectures by scholars from across the world. Keynote lecture by Trinh T. Minh-ha.
- New book about film music by Tillman 2017-08-17 Joakim Tillman, Associate Professor in musicology at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, is one of two editors of the new book Contemporary Film Music: Investigating Cinema Narratives and Composition, at Palgrave Macmillan.
- "Trump's silence after the London mosque attack speaks volumes" 2017-06-21 On Tuesday professor Christian Christensen commented the absence of Trump tweets after the mosque attack in London.
- "Trumps tystnad efter moskéattacken i London är talande" 2017-06-21 På tisdagen gick professor Christian Christensen ut och kommenterade avsaknaden av tweets från Trump efter Londonattacken.
- Memory for stimulus sequences distinguishes humans from other animals 2017-06-21 Humans possess many cognitive abilities not seen in other animals, such as a full-blown language capacity as well as reasoning and planning abilities. Despite these differences, it has been difficult to identify specific mental capacities that distinguish humans from other animals. Now reserachers have discovered that humans have a much better memory to recognize and remember sequential information.
- Canadian students see campus through camera lenses 2017-06-18 Students from University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, recently discovered Stockholm University through the lenses of their cameras. Staying in Stockholm for a three week course on architectural photography, they found the buildings at Frescati campus a good place to practice.
- Networking with international alumni 2017-06-14 Stockholm University is currently making an effort to stay in contact with international alumni. “This is a very important target group that we should take advantage of,” says Erica Öjermark Strzelecka, the new international alumni coordinator.
- Inequality and insecurity in Mexico 2017-06-09 The unequal impact on public insecurity as another expression of socio-economic inequality: an initial exploration of the Mexican case, Luz Paula Parr-Rosales (Anuario Latinoamericano Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales, vol. 4, 2017
- Meeting of European directors of Latin American Studies centers, at Salamanca University 2017-06-02 Andrés Rivarola was invited to participate at the 25 anniversary of the Instituto de Iberoamérica, at Salamanca University (USAL), between the 18-20 of May.
- New article by Karin Dirke 2017-05-23 Karin Dirke, associate Professor of History of Ideas at the department, has written a chapter in the new book Shared Lives of Humans and Animals. Animal Agency in the Global North.
- New article by Tiina Rosenberg 2017-05-22 Tiina Rosenberg, professor of Theatre Studies, har written an article in the new book Performance, Feminism, and Affect in Neoliberal Times.
- A new book by Ulf Olsson 2017-05-19 Professor of Literature Ulf Olsson has written a book about the rock band the Grateful Dead.
- Disasters and crises in Latin America: an anthropological perspective 2017-04-19 The newly re-launched Open Access Iberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies has published its latest special collection: “Disasters and crises in Latin America: an anthropological perspective”. This special collection presents anthropological contributions to the understanding of disasters and crises in Latin America.
- 19-22 April: Code/kəʊd/ - A group exhibition by students 2017-04-18 Code /kəʊd/ is a group exhibition of work by first year students of the MFA at Konstfack curated by second year students of the MA in Curating Art at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- Iberoamericana’s latest issue: volume 45, Issue 1. 2017-02-24 The newly re-launched Open Access Iberoamericana –Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies,has published its latest regular issue: volume 45, Issue 1. We invite you to review the Table of Contents.
- VIDEO: Populism and the dangers of anti-liberal communication 2017-02-09 Watch the recorded public lecture with professor Silvio Waisbord, George Washington University, from last Wednesday.
- Populism and the Dangers of Anti-Liberal Communication 2017-01-20 Lecture with Silvio Waisbord, prof.of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington Univ. The lecture is organized by The Department of Media Studies and co-sponsored by the Institute of Latin American Studies.
- Discrimination - more appealing than expected 2017-01-11 The US citizens are the losers of the presidential elections, professor Christian Christensen states in Swedish daily DN.
- Nytt avsnitt av poesipodcasten på spanska, Poesía al paso 2016-12-20 Lyssna, sprid och följ oss gärna på SoundCloud, iTunes eller ACast!
- New Master's programme in Performance studies 2016-11-30 The Department of Culture and Aesthetics presents a new Master's programme in Performance studies, starting Autumn Semester 2017. Welcome with your application!
- Major interest for Stockholm University at education fairs abroad 2016-11-22 To meet students and inform about our study programmes in English, Stockholm University has during this autumn participated in education fairs in India, China and Indonesia.
- New research centre for Critical Heritage Studies 2016-10-26 The Board of Human Science has awarded a grant for the planning of a new research centre for Critical Heritage Studies at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, at Stockholm University.
- Between opportunities and threats: 2016-10-06 an analysis of Brazilian Landless Workers Movement experiences with new media technologies
- Environment in the Age of Internet. Activists, Communication and the Digital Landscape 2016-08-25 How do we talk about the environment? Does this communication reveal and construct meaning? Is the environment expressed and foregrounded in the new landscape of digital media?
- Michel Zink on Sense and Sensuality in Medieval Literature 2016-08-19 “Sense and Sensuality”, a story of matrimonial love and reason in Erec et Enide. Michel Zink is professor of Medieval French Literature at Collège de France.
- Invigningen från IFTR-konferensen 2016-06-22 Nu går att se sändningen av invigningen av teaterkonferensen.
- 900 theatre scholars meet 2016-06-09 Between 13 and 17 June, the Theatre and Performance Studies section at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics will host the world’s largest theatre research conference to date.
- Teacher Mobility through Erasmus+ ICM 2016-03-08 International Credit Mobility (ICM) enables teaching personnel at Stockholm University to teach at our partner universities in Illinois (USA), St. Petersburg and Moscow.
- Improved search funtion in digital course catalogue 2016-03-08 As of 8 March our digital course catalogue SISU has an improved search function and a new design.