Welcome to a workshop on teaching and learning with Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching (CeUL). This is a workshop where the language of instruction is English. This workshop is suitable for anyone with knowledge of English, regardless of mother tongue.
Useful for: Teachers that want to try Flipped Classroom teaching. Previous teaching experience is recommended but not required.
Aim: The participants will develop their ability to plan and carry out flipped classroom teaching.
Before the workshop, the participants should view a (short) online video and in the workshop we will take this as a starting point to show how flipped classroom teaching can be used. The participants will also, through hands-on exercises get experience with developing teaching material (both online videos and in class material) for flipped classroom teaching. We will also demonstrate how one can use online platforms to help administer the teaching and evaluate the students.
Time | 7 mars 2018 : kl 9-12 |
Venue/Find your way to | Room 2527, 5th floor, Frescativägen 54, Department of Education |
Workshop leaders | Joakim Edsjö (Fysikum) and Iñaki Longarela Rodriguez (Stockholm Business School) |
Language | English |
Reference literature | Online video, link will be sent out before the workshop. |
CeUL offers workshops for all teachers at Stockholm University on a variety of teaching and learning topics. They are designed to meet the needs of both seasoned professionals and newcomers. Each session offers the opportunity to discuss shared experiences and knowledge with colleagues. Space is limited, so please be sure to register for any workshops you wish to attend. Participation is free of charge.

Registration for the workshop Flipped classroom - how to flip your teaching is closed
What is flipped teaching and learning?
Flipped teaching and learning is a pedagogical approach in which the conventional notion of classroom-based learning is inverted, so that students are introduced to the learning material before class, with classroom time then being used to deepen understanding through discussion with peers and problem-solving activities facilitated by teachers.
How does flipped classroom work?
Webb-TV programme Pedagogeeks on Flipped classroom
Dagens studenter använder i ökande grad olika IT-hjälpmedel som del av sina studier. Detta påverkar också universitetslärares förutsättningar att skapa undervisning som engagerar, aktiverar och utmanar studenter. Ett sätt att ta tillvara på de nya möjligheterna är att arbeta i enlighet med s k flipped classroom, omvänt klassrum.
Programledare Klara Bolander Laksov, lektor i högskolepedagogik, vid Centrum för universitetslärarutbildning och Jalal Nouri, Fil dr i informationssamhället vid Institutionen för Institutionen för data- och systemvetenskap samtalar om vad det innebär att arbeta med flipped classroom och hur det kan upplevas av studenter och lärare.
Samtalet tar avstamp i forskningsartikeln: Nouri, J. (2016). The flipped classroom: for active, effective and increased learning – especially for low achievers. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 13:33.
Programmet är inspelat den 27 september 2016 vid Stockholms universitet.