The event will be held in English.
To a lunchtime seminar with Tatiana Chemi, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Aalborg University, Denmark. Chemi will give a presentation and then we will have the opportunity for a more informal, dialogue. Coffee and sandwiches will be served.
Time: 11 September 2023, 12:10-12:50
Venue/find your way: Room P216, Arrheniushouses, building P, Svante Arrhenius väg 20 A.
Who is the event for?
Teaching staff at Stockholm University.
Lecture: The pedagogy of love and freedom through the lenses of theatre laboratory
at 12.10-12.40
What's love got to do with education? In light of contemporary higher educational strategies, we can answer: nothing at all. Pedagogical theories that focus on care, love, affects are numerous in critical and feminist studies, but they do not find their way into higher education practices and are silenced insofar these theories express a sustained critique of advanced capitalism and offer alternatives to neoliberal education. Knowledge is needed to understand the entanglements through which pedagogies of care emerge and the role they hold within sustainable democratic education. Teaching and learning through care are strictly related to affective experiences. The “affective turn” in social studies has sharpened attention to emotional experiences, emphasizing a lack of knowledge on the educators’ affects and a substantial rethinking of affects as social/cultural politics, embodied, performative and material. This lecture looks at the materiality of affects through the lenses of theatre laboratory.
About Tatiana Chemi

Tatiana Chemi, Ph.D., is Associate Professor at Aalborg University, Denmark, Chair of Educational Innovation, where she works in the field of artistic learning and creative processes. Among the others, she is the author of The Art of Arts Integration, 2014, A Theatre Laboratory Approach to Pedagogy and Creativity: Odin Teatret and Group Learning, 2018, and Behind the Scenes of Artistic Creativity, 2015. In 2013, Aalborg University Press named her Author of the Year. She is currently involved in research projects exploring artistic creativity across cultural, arts-integrated education and theatre laboratories. She is founder and leader of the researchers’ group Arts-Based Methods and Performativity in Educational Research (AMPERE). She is Visiting Associate Professor at University of Chester, UK (2021-2024).
About husera@su
husera@su dialogue is organized in collaboration between: Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching and The Department of Teaching and Learning. husera@su is a seminar series focusing on teaching and learning in the humanities, social sciences and aesthetics subject traditions in higher education. Read more