To lunch seminar with Felix Ho, from the Department of Chemistry, Uppsala University.
Date/time: September 20th 2023, at 12.10—12:50.
Venue: K441 Kemiska övningslaboratoriet, Svante Arrhenius väg 16 A-D. Kemiska övningslaboratoriet (KÖL) is directly adjacent to Arrheniuslaboratoriet.
Who is the seminar for?
The event is aimed at researchers who teach at Stockholm University.
Register for the seminar and a sandwich by 17 September
Solving problems in chemistry often involves the use of mathematics. Beyond just algorithmic manipulations, the meaningful application and integration of
chemical and mathematical knowledge at a deeper, conceptual level is
fundamental to constructing explanatory and predictive models. Research has
shown that students have difficulties with more than just technical mathematical manipulations. In this seminar we will explore how we can understand how students try to integrate chemical and mathematical knowledge, by drawing on reheslleparch in mathematics, physics and chemistry education. By studying how they solve problems in chemical kinetics, we have developed a framework for understanding how students navigate between chemistry and mathematics that can also be applied to other scientific disciplines. We will also discuss what implications these insights have for teaching and how we can support our students.
About Felix Ho

Dr Felix Ho is an Associate Professor and a Distinguished University
Teacher at the Department of Chemistry, Uppsala University. He is
currently the Subject Coordinator for chemistry education programs, the
Chair of the Centre for Discipline-Based Education Research, as well as
the Secretary of the Committee of Chemistry Education of IUPAC.
Starting with a research background in biophysical studies of enzyme
mechanisms, his interest in education has seen him move in recent years
to chemistry education research, with special interest in how students
integrate their chemical and mathematical knowledge.
SAMTAL@SU seminars are arranged in collaboration with:
Department of Mathematics and Science Education
Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching