

9.00—9.15 Opening remarks
Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Vice-Chancellor and Klara Bolander Laksov, Director of Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching

Keynote Lecture
Karen Lauridsen, Teaching in the globalised university — How do we face the challenges of the multicultural classroom?

10.00—10.20 Coffee and sandwish

Session 1: Posters, presentations, workshops, round table discussions

Workshop 1: Student diversity (English)
Workshop 2: Designmönster
Round table discussion 1: Retention (English)
Round table discussion 2: Studentdrivna utvecklingsprojekt
Round table discussion 3: Kursutveckling
Panel presentation 1: Flipped classroom (English)
Panel presentation 2: Akademisk litteracitet
Panel presentation 3: Kvalitetsutveckling


Session 2: Posters, presentations, workshops, round table discussions

Continuing... Workshop 1: Student diversity (English)
Continuing... Workshop 2: Designmönster

Round table discussion 4: Målrelaterad utbildning
Round table discussion 5: Kvalitetsutveckling
Round table discussion 6: Kritiskt tänkande
Panel presentation 4: Object based learning (English)
Panel presentation 5: IKT och lärande
Panel presentation 6: Bedömning


Lunch including coffee in the Gallery

  • Poster presentations in the Gallery
  • Kl. 12.45-13.05 Presentation of Athena in Aula Magna (right)

Parallel Invited Speakers

  • John Airey, Department of Mathmatics and Science Education. Building on higher education research — how can we take a scholarly approach to teaching and learning?
  • Maria Öhrstedt, Department of Psychology. Högskolestudenters lärstrategier — Hur skapar vi en stimulerande lärmiljö?
14.00—15.15 Coffee will be served in the Gallery

Session 3: Posters, presentations, workshops, round table discussions

Workshop 3: Praktik/ VFU
Workshop 2: Bildning
Round table discussion 7: Internationalisation (English)
Round table discussion 8: Kursutveckling
Round table discussion 9: Kollegial utveckling
Round table discussion 10: Progression
Panel presentation 7: Active learning (English)
Panel presentation 8: Lärarkompetens
Panel presentation 9: Handledning


Session 4: Panelpresentations and round table discussions

Continuing... Workshop 3: Praktik/ VFU
Continuing... Workshop 2: Bildning

Round table discussion 11: Educational tools (English)
Round table discussion 12: Lärares villkor
Round table discussion 13: Pedagogiska verktyg
Round table discussion 14: Normkritisk pedagogik
Panel presentation 10: Educational technology (English)
Panel presentation 11: IKT och kvalitetsutveckling
Panel presentation 12: Akademisk litteracitet

16.00—16.45 Starting Stockholm University Special Interest Groups in Higher Education and conclusions