This module course is given asynchronously online and based on engagement with peers through text. It is aimed at university teacher from all academic areas with teaching experience and previously completed training in higher education teaching, UL1 or equivalent. The aim of the course is to learn more about formative assessment and feedback processes, map out existing formative assessment and feedback practices, and design new practices that are theory and evidence informed.
About the course
In this course, we will discuss how formative assessment, feedback and peer review play a role in student learning in higher education. We will consider formative assessment, feedback and peer review from a programme-wide, course-wide as well as individual perspective, and we will, through texts discuss some recent research in the field, and consider how formative assessment feedback and peer review can be enhanced, and made more systematic within education programmes.
Course content and structure
The course covers five course topics over period of six weeks, with a break for Easter week. Activities are done in a coordinated, but asynchronous fashion, enabling you to follow your own progress, but also give feedback to others, and gain insights from others’ on your reflections and work. There are no course meetings, all activity is done via the Athena Learning Management System. The course period is 4 March to 19 April.
During the course you will:
- Read in some of the latest research in the field of formative assessment and feedback
- Do a curriculum mapping of a selection of courses offered at your department with a view on formative assessment and feedback
- Plan for developments in your own practice using formative assessment and feedback practices.
The course is equivalent to two weeks of study, i.e. 3 ECTS. Course language is English.
Course topic 1 Course start: 4 March
Taking in the literature During this period you will read 7-10 papers presenting a state-of-the-art picture of formative assessment practices. |
Course topic 2
Reviewing the literature You will present a paper to your peers, where you present your understanding of the literature you have read. You will read and give feedback to two other peers. |
Course topic 3
Mapping practices at your department |
Course topic 4 |
Developing your own practice |
Course topic 5 Course end: 19 April |
Examination |
Venue/ Find your way |
No course meetings, all activity is done via Athena |
Course Language | English |
Course Leader |
Cormac McGrath Associate Professor, Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching |
Course Literature | Research articles |
Course certificate
You will be provided with a course certificate that certifies that you have completed the training once you have attended the meetings and carried out the tasks.
Terms and conditions: Participation is free of charge for all employees at Stockholm University. Your application is processed within a few working days and you will receive a message through the signup system with instructions on how to complete your registration. After that your registration is binding. In case of cancellation later than two weeks ahead of the course your department will be debited a cancellation fee of 2 000 SEK. By signing up you confirm that your registration is approved by the Head of (your) Department or equivalent.

Registration for in-depth course Moving feedback forward spring 2024