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  6. Survey reveals major challenges with online teaching

Survey reveals major challenges with online teaching

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Mailing address
Department of Education / CeUL
Stockholm University
S-106 91 Stockholm

Visiting address
Frescativägen 54, Stockholm University
Frescativägen 50, Stockholm University (with Taxi)

Billing address
Stockholm University
Postbox 50741
S-202 70 Malmö

(Note on the bill "Internal Reference 306" and then the name of the employee at CeUL who has placed the order)

Stockholm University VAT-no: SE202100306201

Klara Bolander Laksov
Phone 08-1207 6302

Questions regarding our courses


Karin Christoffersson: 08-16 4093

Clara Fagerlind: 08-16 3165

Annika Forslund: 08-16 2278