Get ready for KTH’s 5th Scholarship of Teaching and Learning conference: KTH SoTL 2023 — Future learning — Learning for the future.
Date: March 7th 2023
Venue: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm
The conference languages are English and Swedish.
Teacher conferences creates an environment of learning through sharing experiences
What type of teaching do we intend for the future? What should be done to prepare our Higher Education Institutions for the future? In what ways can we achieve a balance of the new with the old? All this and more is what we intend to present and discuss during the day.
The conference is aimed at all teaching staff, pedagogical leaders, educational administration within the Stockholm trio.
Why should you attend?
Alongside informative, timely content from speakers on the topic, we will also be providing a wide range of opportunities to network, discuss, and make connections with colleagues within Stockholm trio.
The conference is free of charge.
For any questions, please email the conference team: kth-sotl@kth.se

About SoTL
SoTL is an approach where teachers develop their practice through scientific analysis of teaching and students' learning in the light of current research and knowledge about learning in higher education. Results and learning are shared with colleagues.
Scholarship contains the following parts
- Engage in other people's scientific contributions in the field of teaching and learning.
- Reflect on their own teaching and students' learning in a specific area.
- Communicate and disseminate good practice and theoretical knowledge around teaching and learning in general and within one's own subject.
- (Martin et. Al. Communicating the scholarship of teaching. Developing scholarship in teaching)