This year we have published nine articles and one review article, which can be found at Moreover, the journal was accepted for indexing in the SCOPUS database in 2020, and the content will be fully indexed and open for citation analysis in 2021.
We would like to thank the authors who have published their outstanding work with us. A huge gratitude to all the peer-reviewers who volunteered their time and expertise, contributing to the publication and dissemination of high-quality Latin American scholarship. Thank you all!
Follow the Journal on Twitter, @IberoNordic, for updates on calls for papers, new articles and other topics of interest. You can also follow our department at @Romklass_SU. Or sign up for Chimpmail list »
We look forward to continuing our efforts to publish and disseminate high quality scholarship on Latin America and the Caribbean throughout 2021. If you want to contribute to this goal, submit your manuscript here: »
Contact: Christina Alnevall