In the documentary "Landless" (Chão), by director Camila Freitas we follow the journey of members in the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement (Movimento Sem-Terra, MST) in their struggle to occupy and gain the right to land used by a sugar-can processing plant in the state of Goiás. Freitas has followed the group since 2015 and worked in collaboration with the movement. Chão has been shown in many film festivals including Berlinale in Germany, Panorámica in Sweden.

The film-screening will be followed by a discussion with a representatives from MST and Latinamerikagrupperna, moderated by LAI researcher Paola Sartoretto.

This event is a collaboration with Panorámica - The Latin American Film Festival in Stockholm and Latinamerika i Fokus – Malmö

Foto: Camila Freitas/Production

Info - Landless
Gender: Documentary
Director: Camila Freitas
Duration: 112'
Language: Portuguese with English subtitles, discussion in English

Participants in the discussion


Organiser: Institute of Latin American Studies and Latinamerikagrupperna
Contact: Magnus Lembke
No registration required*

*There are a limited number of seats. To be sure of getting a seat, please come early