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  6. Representational Machines: Photography and the Production of Space

Representational Machines: Photography and the Production of Space

A Collaborative Research Network and publication

Organizing institutions:

Stockholm university (Sweden), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture (Denmark) and NTNU (Norway)
Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Sweden)

Project outline

Photography, much like any other form of representation, poses pressing questions about sense, habitus, modalities of representation and perhaps most insistently these days, about the productive capacity of its representations. Photography does not merely represent the phenomenal world in some neutral and objective manner—we know that—but neither does it suffice to show that it represents the world in a manner saturated with conventions and choices, manipulating techniques and interests. What seems important today is to face the question of how these conventions, interests and technologies have enabled photography to be productive and how that productivity involves space.

Abstracts for workshop 12-13 april 2012, Stockholm

Zones of Otherness
David Bate, Reader in Photography and course leader of MA photographic studies at University of Westminster

The ’Camera-Medusa’: stereoscopic photographs of statuettes
Patrizia di Bello, lecturer in History and Theory of Photography at Birkbeck, University of London

He Isn’t Visible Here in the Picture, But We Expect Him Every Moment: Photographic Space and Textual Orientation in Benzelstjerna’s  Daguerreotyp-Panorama  (1840)
Magnus Bremmer, PhD student in Literature at the Research School of Aesthetics, Stockholm University

Writing with photographs: description and conscription and/of the photographic object.
Ella Chmielewska, Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies,University of Edinburgh School of Architecture

The photo album as site
Anna Dahlgren, Assistant professor, Department of Art History, Stockholm University

Frontal Views
Aud Sissel Hoel, Associate Professor of Visual Culture at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim

The Four Spaces of Representation in Photography
Stephan Günzel, Professor für Medientheorie at der Berliner Technischen Kunsthochschule

A trip to Lennart Nilsson-land. Imaging the human body’s inner space
Solveig Jülich, Associate Professor, Department of Literature and History of Ideas
Stockholm University

A Photographic Archive of Physics, or a Physical Archive of Photography?
Nina Lager Vestberg, Associate Professor of Visual Culture at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim

Viewing and Seeing Habits
Walter Niedermayr, artist, Bolzano Italy

Photographic Space and the Production of Representation
Dag Petersson, Associate Professor at The Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture.

Jesper Rasmussen, Rector at Jutland Art Academy, Aarhus, Denmark

The Production of Socialist Space: Photographing the Leipzig Fair
Philip Ursprung, Institute for the History and Theory of the Architecture, ETH, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

The Promise of Safety: Photography and Surveillance
Louise Wolthers, Head of research Hasselbladsstiftelsen, Gothenburg (from jan 2012)


Deadline abstract: 1 September 2011
Deadline draft essays: March 12, 2012
Workshop: April 12-13, 2012 in Stockholm
Deadline, full version of essays: September 15, 2012
Production and printing: autumn 2012.

Project leaders

Dr Anna Dahlgren, (Stockholm University)
Dr Dag Petersson (Royal Academy of Fine Arts)
Dr Nina Lager Vestberg (NTNU)



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Institutionen för kultur och estetik
Frescativägen 22-26

Institutionen för kultur och estetik
Stockholms universitet
106 91 Stockholm

Boel Hackman
Rum: A 227
Telefon: 08-16 22 37
E-post: boel.hackman@littvet.su.se

Jenny Rosen
Rum: A 207
Telefon: 08-16 35 37
E-post: jenny.rosen@su.se


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