- Arkadien tur och retur II
- Online symposium: "CRISIS, DYING, APOCALYPSE"
- Internationell konferens: Revolutions in Reading
- Symposium om fotografi i barnlitteratur
- Internationellt symposium om DNA och historia
- Arkadien tur och retur
- Digital tools & methods
- Normal Now! A Symposium on Art and Dis/ability in a Digital World
- Female Responses in Early Modern Literature
- Ny bok om litteratur och filosofi idag
- Rethinking Digital Cultural Heritage
- Cultural Transfer, Mobility and Process during the Long Eighteenth Century
- 500 litteraturforskare samlades i Stockholm
- Materiality? Material Culture? New Materialism? Cross-Disciplinary Approaches
- Äldretextseminariet firar 20-årsjubileum med heldagssymposium
- “The Great Environmental Switch”: Ecology, Technology, and Thinking
- Situated Narratologies
- Konsumtion, modernitet, medier
- Borders, territories and transitions in children's literature
- From Local to Global: Interrogating Performance Histories
- Aesthetic Radicalism. Avant-garde and Modernism in Children's Literature
- Nordisk konferens om arbetarlitteratur
- Symposium om strandade encyklopedier
- Lever vi i postdemokratiska tider?
- Aesthetics in Late Eighteenth-Century Theatre
- Transnational Performativities: Performing Identities in a Global Context
- Placing Medea: Transfer, Spatiality, and Gender in Europe 1750−1800
- Video: Performativity and Artistic Practices
- Kulturarv och gränser
- Acting Images: Understanding the Agency and Materiality of Imagery and Visual Culture
- 9-12/8: Arts of Incompletion: Fragments, Drafts, Revisions in Words and Music
- Opera and Performance: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead
- Panelkonferens med John Durham Peters: Philosophies and Histories of Media
- Performing Citizenship around 1800 in Theatre and Opera
- SHOW TIME: Bodies, Spectacle and Unpopular Culture
- About Time!
- 6/4: Sanning & stil 2017: Tema: Dokument och nationalitet
- Workshop i Human-Animal Studies: "Contact zones"
- Samtal om möjligheterna att skapa nya begrepp för kulturarv i rörelse
- Symposium: The Poetry of W.G. Sebald
- 2016 års IFTR-konferens - 13-17 juni
- Conference 15-17/6: Performative Commemoration of Painful Pasts
- "Feminist and Queer Aesthetics: Intersections of Theory and Practice"
- Forskningsdag om medialitet
- Nordisk konferens: Romantiska scener
- Konferens: Vidgade vyer över musiken
- HAS@SU Djur: berörande möten och kulturella smärtpunkter
- Tvärseminariet: Seminarium om intermedialitet med Peter Dayan
- Litteraturforskningens dag
- HAS@SU workshop
- Movement and Arrest in Early Modern Culture
- Tove Jansson Centennial Conference
- Methodology in Question
- TFL-dagarna 2014
- Nordisk konferens: Romantiska kommunikationer
- 1700-talets nordiska barnbok - språk, stil och smak
- Tionde SMDI-konferensen
- International symposium on Literature as Knowledge/Literature as Experience
- Children’s Literature and European Avant-Garde
- International Conference - Fiction in Global Contexts: History and Recent Developments
- Sixteenth Nordic Musicological Congress
- Allusions And Reflections: Greek and Roman Mythology in Renaissance Europe
- IFTR/FIRT Working Group The Theatrical Event
- Okonstlad konst? – Estetiska perspektiv på äkthet och autenticitet