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If you are absent due to illness for more than seven calendar days in a row, you are required to submit a doctor’s certificate to the department. Under certain circumstances a doctor’s certificate can be required for a shorter period of absence due to illness.

All documents relating to illness, including doctor’s certificates, are treated with the strictest confidence in accordance with the Official Secrecy Act.

The first day of absence due to illness is a “karensdag” (a day of qualifying before benefit may be claimed); accordingly, you lose your entire salary for that day. The deduction from your salary for the following days depends on the number of days you are sick. If you are on sick leave for maximum five days the amount deducted is your monthly salary multiplied by 4,6 %. If you are on sick leave for more than five days the amount deducted is your monthly salary multiplied by 3,3 % from the first day of illness.

Between the days 2–14 you will receive a sick leave compensation from your employer with 80 % of the deduction.

From the 15th day to the 364th day you will receive a sick leave compensation from your employer with 10 % of the deducted amount.

Note that from the 15th day of absence due to sickness The Social insurance Agency will pay your sickness benefit.