
Create a Site

Below is a step by step guide to creating a site in mondo.

  1. Click the "Workspace" tab > Worksite Setup, and then "New".
  2. Choose whether to create a kurs or a projekt site. The difference between a course site and a project site is that a course site can be set up so that students who are registered on a specific course in LADOK are automatically imported to the site as participants. In both variants, one can however add participants manually. Only employees (who are affiliated to an institution) can create a course site while both employees and students can create project sites.
  3. If you selected project site in step 2, you can skip step 3 & 4.

    Select the term that the course is given. This setting determines which LADOK participant lists you can import to the site. NOTE! You can not change this setting in retrospect. If you accidentally create the site with the wrong term, you need to either create a new site, or contact the helpdesk to change the term.

  4. Locate the correct list of participants by the course code. Select the check box to the left.

  5. Give the site a name and enter a description of the site in the large text box.

  6. If you create the site for someone else, you can change details of the contact person. Click Continue.

  7. Select the tools you want to use on the site. If you are unsure what each tool can be used for, you can read a brief description of each of them in the Mondo help, in the chapter "Information about tools". Here you also have the option to choose whether to import content from your other sites to the new site. If you want to import from other sites, select Yes, from these sites and then from which of your sites you want to import the content from.

  8. Choose who can access your site. By default, it is published in the creation and that it is available only to users you add manually to the site. If you added a LADOK participant list, registered students will automatically receive access to the site.

    If you inted to prepare the site and want to work with it before you let the student on it, you can instead choose to leave it unpublished. To publish it at a later stage, you go to the site's "Site Info" and change the settings in the "Manage Access".

    The bottom option Site membership is provided for all authenticated users who go to… offers you the opportunity to let the users themselves become members of the site by clicking on a specific link. This can be useful in situations where you eg want the students themselves to choose between different sub courses.

    Click on Continue at the bottom of the page.

  9. Click on Create site. Now, the site is finished and should appear as a tab in the horizontal menu, or under My active sites.

For the full manual with screenshots, please go to and click on "Create a site" under the "How-To Guides".


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