
Add Participants

Sometimes you might need to add participants manually to your site. This is a step by step guide on how to do that.

  1. Go to the site where you want to add participants and click on "Site info" in the left menu, and thereafter "Add participants".
  2. To be able to add a participant to a site you need to know his/her user ID. If you don't know it you can search for it in the search function. Type in the first and last name and click the search button. NOTE! You can only search for employees and students at SU with the search function. If you want to add a participant from another university/college, or a user with a "guest account" you need to type in the user ID directly in the box below.
  3. When you click the green plus sign the persons user ID is added to the box below. This box contains all users that will be added to the site. If you had known the person's username, you had instead been able to enter it manually in this box. NOTE! This box should only contain User ID's, and NOT email addresses (which may look similar). Hover over the icon with the "i" for more information about this. If you want to add more people, you can either add more people using the search function or by adding them manually to the list.
  4. Choose if you want all the participants you are adding to have the same or different roles. In most cases you want the participants to have the roles participant/student role on the site. But if there would've been a teacher on the list you could choose "Assign each participant a role individually".
  5. Select the role you want the paricipants to have on the site and click on "Continue".
  6. Select whether participants should receive an email notification that they have been added to the site.
  7. Click on "Finish" to confirm that the the users shall be added.

For the full manual with screenshots, please go to and click on "Add and manage participants" under the "How-To Guides".


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