Exhibition Dates
Wednesday 19 April–Saturday 22 April 2017, Opening Hours: 14.00–18.00.
* Vernissage
Wednesday 19 April, 17.00–21.00
19.30–20.00 Klara Ström, Sertralin-fear (2017)
20.00–21.00 Linnea Hansander, Nu ska vi tjejsjunga – Careless Whisper (repeat karaoke) (2017)
Bar: Vernissage, 17.00–21.00 (cash/swish).
About the exhibition
The exhibition Code /kəʊd/ is an invitation to consider how we construct and interpret our own positions within and through codified contexts. The notion of ‘code’ functions as a starting point to reflect upon 13 artistic approaches, responding to different understandings of codified structures.
The artists are students of the Master programme in Fine Arts at Konstfack:
Finn Joel Anton, Fernando Caceres, Giulia Cairone, Lisa Grip, Linnea Hansander, Jonas Karén, Sanna Laaban, Elise Léonin, Alejandro Montero Bravo, Margot Õunapuu, Pontus Pettersson, Anna Slama, Klara Ström.
The curators are students of the Master programme in Curating Art at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics at Stockholm University:
Alba Baeza, Aleksei Borisionok, Gerald Heffernan, Jasmine Hinks, Elena Jarl, Iliane Kiefer, Alice Maselnikova.
A catalogue of the exhibition will be released during the vernissage. The digital version of this publication can be downloaded free from the Facebook site of the Master programme in Curating Art, Stockholm (url: www.facebook.com/curatingartstockholm) under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.