This paper examines the influence of Epicurean ideas on Tullia d’Aragona’s ideas of love. By referencing extensively to classical texts on the subject of love, like Plato, Aristotle, Petrarch, Marsilio Ficino and Leone Ebreo, Aragona places her Dialogo della infinità di amore (1547) in the middle of the early modern debate on love and skillfully makes use of dialogical rhetoric in order to discuss, criticize and transgress existing configurations of love and gender. The incorporated dismissal of women in, for example, Neoplatonic ideas where the (female) body is connected to base and dangerous love in opposition to the ennobling and virtuous love of (male) souls, is repeatedly questioned in Aragona’s Dialogo. While the importance of the body and of bodily senses are essential to Epicurean thinking, and even though Sixteenth Century editions of Lucretius De rerum natura was published by the Aldine Press in Venice as early as 1515, this philosophical trace has not been deeply explored in connection to Aragona. Perhaps this is due to the consistent suspicion Epicureanism was met with in a context dominated by other philosophical schools and the Church. Thus, this paper will shed new light on the work of Aragona by showing how Epicurean views can be traced in her ideal of love, in which the body and the affects of love (affetti amorosi) play a central role together with the soul, and where women are included in the intellectual knowledge of love.