The Climate Change Challenge. Solutions among students in economics, law and political science

The project funded by the Swedish Research Council (2012-2017).

The research project addresses questions concerning the environmental policy instruments students choose regarding climate change and environmental problems and the effect of knowledge as well as values on such choices.

The project is carried out in collaboration with: Prof. Peter Davies, School of Education, University of Birmingham; PhD Linda Ekström, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Luleå University of Technology; PhD Niklas Harring, Department of Political science, Göteborg University; PhD student Caroline Ignell, Department of Education, Stockholm University, and PhD Tomas Torbjörnsson at the Department of Humanities and Social Science Education, Stockholm University.

Professor Andreas Duit, Department of political science, prof. David Langlet, Department of law, Göteborg University and prof. Astri Muren, Department of economics, Stockholm University, are also engaged.

More information about the project on this link: Research Database



Ekström, L. & C. Lundholm (in press). What's positive about positive rights? Students’ everyday understandings and the challenges of teaching political science. Journal of Political Science Education.

Ekström, L. & C. Lundholm (2017, 27 April - 1 May). How much politics is there? Students’ understandings of the role of values in political science. American Education Research Association Conference, Division C, Learning and Instruction, San Antonio, Texas.

Harring, N. & S. C. Jagers (2017). Why do people accept environmental policies? The prospects of higher education and changes in norms, beliefs and policy preferences. Environmental Education Research.

Harring, N. & C. Lundholm (2017, 29 August - 2 September). Knowing ‘social dilemmas’ – effects on willingness to sacrifice and accept environmental regulation. In symposium Researching sustainability in higher education – focusing the social science disciplines, chair prof Peter Davies, University of Birmingham, discussant prof Gale Sinatra, USC. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Conference, Tampere, Finland.

Harring, N. & J. Sohlberg (2016). The varying effects of left-right ideology on support for the environment: Evidence from a Swedish survey experiment. Environmental Politics, 26(2), 278-300.

Harring, N., Davies, P. & C. Lundholm (2017). Learning economics and attitudes to market solutions to environmental problems. Education Sciences, 7, 36. Special issue on Sustainability, Environment and Education.

Harring, N., Jagers, S. & S. Matti (2017). Public support for pro-environmental measures. Examining the impact of personal values and ideology. Sustainability, 9(5), 659.

Harring, N., Lundholm, C. & T. Torbjörnsson (2017). The Effects of Higher Education in Economics, Law and Political Science on Perceptions of Responsibility and Sustainability. In Leal Filho, W., Brandli, L., Castro, P., Newman, J. (Eds.) Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education. (pp. 159-170). Volume 1. Berlin: Springer.

Harring, N., Lundholm, C., & T. Torbjörnsson (2017). Högre utbildning och miljöattityder/Higher education and environmental attitudes i U. Andersson, J. Ohlsson, H. Oscarsson & M. Oskarson (Red). Larmar och gör sig till. (pp. 505-514). Göteborgs universitet: SOM-institutet.

Ignell, C., Davies, P. & C. Lundholm (submitted). A longitudinal study of upper secondary school students´ values and beliefs regarding policy responses to climate change.

Jagers, S., Harring, N. & S. Matti. (2017). Environmental management from left to right - on ideology, policy-specific beliefs and pro-environmental support. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.

Lundholm, C., Harring, N., Torbjörnsson, T. & L. Ekström (in review). Politik och miljö - kunskap, värden och studenters uppfattningar om ansvar och styrmedel/Politics and the environment – knowledge, values and students’ conceptions of responsibility and policies. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. Temanummer om miljö- och hållbarhetsutblidningsforskning.

Torbjörnsson, T., Harring, N. & C. Lundholm (in review). Environmental sustainability and legal education: Swedish law students' value orientations. Retfærd.

Torbjörnsson, T., Lundholm, C. N. Harring (2017, 29 August - 2 September). Solving environmental problems together? A study of value orientations and the importance of trust for the support of environmental policies. In symposium Researching sustainability in higher education – focusing the social science disciplines, chair prof Peter Davies, University of Birmingham, discussant prof Gale Sinatra, USC. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Conference, Tampere, Finland.