The software is based on an easy to use scripting language in which one specifies 1) the learning mechanism including genetic predispositions, 2) the experiment/learning scenario and 3) data to be presented in graphs or to be exported. After a short introduction we will demonstrate the software with a number of applications including instrumental and Pavlovian conditioning, chaining or sequence learning, avoidance learning, latent learning and more.
Cultural Evolution Seminar: Demonstration of a learning simulator
12 June 2018, 2.00 PM
12 June 2018, 3.30 PM
Venue: D502, Arrhenius Laboratories
Venue: D502, Arrhenius Laboratories
We will demonstrate a general software for simulating learning processes that can be used to study most experimental paradigms in learning psychology and a large range of learning scenarios in nature.
Last updated:
June 8, 2018
Source: CEK