In-depth courses

Build on your pedagogical merits and deepen your skills

For you with previous teaching experience and prior formal training in teaching and learning we offer short in-depth courses (3 credits) to build on your pedagogical merits and deepen your skills. More in-depth courses given in Swedish

You can take the in-depth courses independently or combination with UL2 Bas (4.5 credits) to achieve a corresponding full UL2 course (7.5 credits).


Science education and gender

Smiling students, heads close around a sience experiment

Learn more on how gender intersects with science practices and the teaching and learning of science. For university teachers from the faculty of Science. Course start spring 2024

Inclusive teaching

Händer i en ring

Inclusive teaching, who is it for and how does it fit in Higher Education? Discuss and share questions in relation to diversity, inclusive pedagogies and equitable quality education for all. Course start autumn 2023.

Moving feedback forward

Student och lärare. Foto: Ingmarie Andersson/SU

Learn more about formative assessment and feedback processes and how to design new theory and evidence informed practices. Course start spring 2024.

What course should I take?

Study information for you who are considering which course to take and how to build the foundations of your academic teatership.

Looking for courses for the next term?

Registration opens for

Spring courses - on October 15th

Autumn courses - on April 15th


Contact us with any questions regarding our courses.


Clara Fagerlind, Phone: 08-16 3165

Karin Christoffersson, Phone: 08-16 4093

Workshop assignment equivalent to 1,5 hp

Portfolio. Foto: Pixabay

Attend three workshops and write a text on the topic in relation to your own work as a university teacher. Equivalent to 1,5hp.